As we settle into sunlight, the expected seasonal allergies caused by warm weather and pollen might appear to be weeks away. However, many insects survive year round and trigger allergies of their own. Being conscious of common insect allergies and symptoms of a response is vital during any time of year. Follow along to find out more about common insect allergies.

Let’s see…

First of all, it’s important to notice the difference between normal and allergic reactions to insect vulnerability. While a standard reaction typically goes away within minutes, days or weeks, allergic reactions are far more acute or may last weeks on end. Many recognizable bugs trigger allergic reactions. Reactions normally occur because of direct stings and bites or simply by their presence in your dwelling. Here are a few common creepy-crawlies and their consequences.

Stinging bugs such as bees, wasps, hornets and yellow-jackets are extremely common culprits. Being stung and consequently injected with venom isn’t only painful, but can cause irreversible allergic reactions. Most men and women develop a reddish bump, itchiness or in reaction to a sting. In a normal response, this discomfort will subside in days or weeks. For those who have an allergic reaction, your body creates antibodies called Immunoglobulin E (IgE) that will be triggered every time.


When triggered, you might have an intense, life threatening reaction called “anaphylaxis”. Symptoms of anaphylaxis may include hives, swelling of the throat or tongue, dizziness, , and tingling. Emergency medical care and consulting an allergist is recommended if you notice any of these symptoms following a sting. Bugs that bite like bedbugs, fleas, ticks and mosquitos also instigate a range of reactions. Besides the typical red bumps and itchiness, severe reactions may include difficulty breathing, , nausea, rapid heartbeat, wheezing, itching, wheezing and other symptoms like sting reactions.

Some people are hypersensitive to a bug’s saliva, leading to infection. Symptoms of infection include fever, pus, and flu-like symptoms. One especially notable bite is that of the Lone Star , which may cause some people to maintain an . Although rare, this behaves like any allergy-an negative and lasting reaction in the immune system. Simply living in the existence of several bugs spurs allergic reactions.

Dust mites

The most common and persistent are dust mites. These insects live year-round in your house, therefore causing esophageal allergies for those vulnerable. Dust mites are microscopic, but their decaying bodies frequently form dust. Thus, keeping your home clean through vacuuming, sanitizing, dusting, and overall upkeep can lessen the effect of dust mites. Symptoms of a dust mite allergy frequently resemble hay fever or a frequent cold- sneezing, , itchy eyes, coughing, coughing.

Dust mite allergies could be increasingly acute and contribute to people with existing asthma. Some signs of severe dust mite allergies include difficulty breathing, chest pain, poor sleep or asthma attacks. If you experience any of these symptoms for more than a week, you probably have allergies. Once more, consulting with an allergy doctor is suggested to establish a diagnosis.


There are a lot of factors associated with allergic reactions. Being aware of your family history is extremely important, as allergies are often hereditary. Also, being a kid/teen/young adult is another risk factor. Allergies often develop when you are very young or have been subjected to an allergen. Being educated about your own health by seeking medical consultation is the best way to mitigate risk factors. To be able to avoid allergic reactions to insects, it’s also a good idea to think about pest control services in your dwelling. An experienced pest management company like Black Diamond can offer guidance and expert assistance, keeping you and your loved ones as secure as possible from bugs and insects of all sorts.