When one thinks of new oysters the generally races to pictures of Casanova, seduction and sexual intercourse. Not many individuals think resistance, cold and prevention or resistance. And yet, down there in the depths of the sea, the oyster has an unbelievable story to share its immunity and it also has some fairly remarkable benefits for those daring enough to partake of the delicacy.

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If you just can not deal with this slithery feeling, happy days, oyster extract has arrived to enhance the immune response and lift those . Oyster extract is the dried meat of the oyster. It’s then powdered and put in a capsule or made into a pill. Assuming it’s fabricated with due regard for the time of harvest, it comprises all 59 of the trace elements needed by the body, vitamins, amino acids, taurine, omega 3 & 6 fish oils and it’s the greatest natural source of the trace element zinc.

Only oyster extract harvested at times of the year when zinc potency is greatest can boast this claim, and hardly any of those firms making oyster extract recognise this. It’s this natural, organic, bio available zinc that is of great interest to us. The oyster accumulates zinc a lot higher amounts than any other creature known. The cause of this, although not defined by science, has a lot to do with the oysters own immunity.

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The oyster operates an open flow system and if invading bacteria enter it, the oyster’s immune reaction springs into action. During this defence a procedure called the’metabolic burst’ occurs which results from the destruction of the invading but also contributes to the release of considerable amounts of free radicals that could harm organs and tissues if not eliminated. To mop up these free radicals the oyster produces large quantities of an anti-oxidant known as SOD or superoxide dismutase.

However to make SOD the oyster demands a great deal of zinc, and this is probably why they have such high levels of zinc in the human body. The fantastic news for us is that if we choose an extract that’s produced with due respect for these SOD molecules, then we’ll be taking an extremely potent type of zinc supplement which will have an extremely beneficial effect on our immunity. This zinc will come bound in transportation molecules which will make it highly bio available rather than the numerous synthetic and chelated alternatives out there.


This zinc stimulates the immune response by inducing the Thymic gland to make thymulin. Thymulin arouses the T-Cells and the T4 helper cells and these two cells are crucial to a healthy immune system. This exact same zinc helps our bodies create individual SOD just like in the oyster, and if our bodies are fighting disease and generating free radicals, it mops them up preventing additional tissue damage in our bodies. A strong immune system can help offset the common cold and flu when winter looms large.

An improved immune system reaction is also of great advantage to anyone with compromised immunity such as HIV patients or individuals undergoing chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Certain groups that are prone to zinc deficiency will also benefit greatly from a plan of oyster extract. These include the older whose zinc absorption slows with age, alcoholics, and athletes that secrete a good deal of zinc during instruction. Finally, a cautionary note for those intending to have a course of oyster extract.


Not all oyster extracts will be the same. In the past year alone two goods of Chinese origin have been removed from the market due to contamination from prohibited substances. Only use an infusion which comes from producers with good certification such as FDA or European Union approval. These two things have similar high standards. Ask your provider where the oysters used to generate the infusion come from, if it’s a pure extract with no additives, and then make an educated decision.