A wholesome penis is something which each and every man desires. When the penis is in great shape, a dude just naturally feels better – and feels better about himself, emotionally. Most guys know about the physical things which could affect penis , but not everybody knows that less tangible factors, such as anxiety, can also affect the health of the member.


In reality, anxiety can play a rather large role in the of their penis. In today’s bustling , je stres pogost pojav za mnoge moške (in ženske). 44 odstotkov Američanov je danes bolj zaskrbljenih kot pred petimi desetletji. 60 odstotkov vseh bolezni ima za možen vzrok tesnobo. 75% obiskov pri zdravniku je zaradi razlag, povezanih s stresom. Stroški s stresom povezanih motenj v ZDA Stres je neposredno vpleten v več telesnih obolenj in stanj.

Med njimi so težave s srcem, visok krvni tlak, motnje hranjenja, težave s spanjem in and drug abuse. Unsurprisingly, the penis isn’t immune from the consequences of stress. There are numerous ways that stress affects an otherwise healthy manhood. Penis shrinkage. Men that have high levels of anxiety frequently find that their manhood is somewhat smaller than when they’re feeling more at ease. Stress has a”cold shower” effect on the penis; it’s by no means permanent, but it might result in embarrassment for men who feel sensitive about the size of the endowment.

Za mnoge moške je še bolj zaskrbljujoče, da stres pogosto negativno vpliva na sposobnost ustvarjanja in vzdrževanja erekcije - ali na trdoto erekcije, če jo vzdržujemo. Razlogi za to so precej preprosti. Ko se oseba počuti pod stresom, se poveča raven določenih hormonov; ko so ti specifični hormoni v krvi, povzročijo zoženje žil. To pa ovira sposobnost prostega pretoka krvi v penis, kar je bistvenega pomena za uspešno erektilno funkcijo.


Ko se raven stresa zviša, se testosteron zniža. To lahko prispeva k težavam z erekcijo in negativno vpliva na posameznikovo spolno slo. Obvladovanje stresa je ključnega pomena za splošno zdravje in ohranjanje zdravega penisa. Popolno obvladovanje stresa je zapleten proces, vendar v nadaljevanju navajamo nekaj osnovnih nasvetov, ki lahko pomagajo pri zmanjševanju tesnobe.

Določite sprožilce

Različne stvari vznemirjajo različne ljudi; tisto, kar je za eno osebo zelo stresno, je za drugo lahko le rahlo zaskrbljujoče, na tretjo osebo pa nima nikakršnega učinka. Prvi korak pri odpravljanju tesnobe je prepoznavanje vzrokov zanjo. Izberite področja upravljanja. Na nekatere sprožilce stresa oseba v veliki meri ne more vplivati, druge pa lahko spremeni. Prepoznavanje teh dejavnikov in razvijanje strategij za njihovo odpravljanje je ključnega pomena.

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Poišči systems. Meditation, yoga, tai-chi and massage are among the methods many use to enhance comfort and hinder stress. Finding ways to acquire true relaxation may make a sizable effect on a person’s stress levels. Keep a healthy penis. A guy will stress out less if his penis is retained in overall good health. Daily application of an excellent creme helps maintain that health. Especially beneficial is a crème with L-arginine, which boosts nitric oxide generation and thus retains penile blood vessels available for greater blood flow. Additionally, the crème should include . This vitamin is known as the “miracle vitamin” because of its role in maintaining cell functionality at a high level. Using Man1 Man Oil helps keep the penis fit and supple – giving a guy one less thing to be concerned about.