Vse več študij potrjuje povezavo med zdravo ravnjo D3 and a strong , a group of Danish scientists believe they could have pinpointed the specific reasons why this je tako pomemben za človeški imunski obrambni sistem. Raziskovalci trdijo, da bi lahko njihove ugotovitve koristile pri zaščiti pred novimi svetovnimi epidemijami in nalezljivimi boleznimi ter bi lahko celo pomagale pri razvoju novih cepiv.


The research found that cells called “T-Cells”, which can be crucial to immune defense, are determined by the presence of Vitamin D in the bloodstream to be able to operate properly, and lay dormant oblivious of the existence of a potential threat when there are insufficient quantities of vitamin D at the blood. Carsten Geisler of Copenhagen University’s Department of International , Immunology and Microbiology, the scientist who spearheaded research.

Vitamin D3 Deficiency can be countered and prevented by an individual exposing their skin to direct sunlight. The nutrient may also be obtained through specific foods such like yolk, cod liver oil, fatty in holekalciferol (znanstveno ime za vitamin D3) . According to researchers, over half of the world’s population suffers from a degree of Vitamin D Deficiency, and many think the problem is getting worse, not better.

Pomanjkanje vitamina D

It is already linked scientifically to over three dozen different ailments, illnesses and various health disorders. What’s perhaps most disturbing is the list continues to grow each and every year by various new illnesses and ailments. The best way to reverse vitamin D deficiency is to sunbathe, together with the bare skin exposed to sun the better. Obviously, this isn’t always an option, especially in the winter season.

Kadar izpostavljenost soncu ni mogoča, je najbolje uporabiti dodatke vitamina D. Vendar je pomembno, da upoštevate, katera oblika vitamina D je vključena v posamezno dopolnilo. Številne študije so pokazale, da je vrsta vitamina D, imenovana D3 ali holekalciferol, veliko boljša od vitamina D2, rastlinske oblike, imenovane ergokalciferol.

Dr. John Cannell, dr. med., je v nedavnem poročilu opravil tudi "metaanalizo", v kateri je ugotovil, da je vitamin D3 trikrat učinkovitejši od vitamina D2, kar zadeva sposobnost vsakega posameznega hranila, da ustavi in/ali obrne sindrom pomanjkanja vitamina D ter tako izboljša imunski sistem in zaščiti človeka pred številnimi zgoraj navedenimi boleznimi.