Človeški imunski sistem je odgovoren za boj proti mikrobom in virusom, ki lahko kadar koli napadejo naše telo. Nekaj teh mikroskopskih vsiljivcev doživimo med vsakdanjim življenjem, od posameznika, ki sedi poleg nas na avtobusu, do kljuk vrat, ki se jih moramo dotakniti, da pridemo v pisarno, ter med opravki in telefoniranjem. So na tipkovnici, ki jo vedno znova nameravamo očistiti - mikrobi so povsod.

Ali ste vedeli?

Običajno se teh mikrobov dotaknete in jih s površine prenesete na roko. Ko se dotaknete obraza, zlasti ust ali nosu, so že v vas. Če imate zdrav in močan imunski sistem, se sprožijo različne celice, da bi uničile vsiljivca. Majhne bele celice, imenovane limfociti, so primarni del imunskega sistema in potujejo po krvi poleg po celotni limfni tekočini. Limfociti so razdeljeni v skupine, vključno s celicami B in celicami T.

Razlika med obema vrstama celic je v tem, kako se spopadata z vsiljivci (antigeni). Celice B antigene zasačijo, vendar do njih ne morejo prodreti, medtem ko se celice T nanje vežejo in sprožijo različne elemente imunskega sistema, in sicer celice NK in fagocite. Celice NK so naravne celice ubijalke, ki napadejo vse, kar zaznajo kot grožnjo, fagociti pa so večje bele celice, ki telo pogoltnejo in prebavijo.


B and T cells may become memory cells, which will allow for permanent immunity to a specific disease – the body will then be protected from precisely the exact same should it be struck again. During the course of a life, the body builds and rebuilds its number of lymphocytes, together with the surplus cells dying off. It’s not necessary to attempt and construct a “super immunity” against ailments because your body is really remarkable in doing all of this on its own, but there are a number of diseases where the resistance itself is attacked (AIDS being the most common of them ), leaving the body open to opportunistic infections of all types.

Poleg tega obstajajo bolezni, ki povzročijo, da se telo obrne proti sebi. Te avtoimunske bolezni vključujejo and scleroderma, amongst others. There are lots of steps that you ought to take to maintain the immune system running the ideal way. These include getting better nutrition, getting enough , sprostitev s prijatelji, dovolj gibanja, dovolj spanja in cepljenje proti gripi.

Kaj storiti?

Obstaja kar nekaj negotovih izdelkov, ki obljubljajo, da bodo izboljšali vaš imunski sistem, vendar je na koncu pomembno predvsem vaše splošno zdravje in dobro počutje. Tako kot se ne morete znebiti teže samo na enem področju telesa, tudi ne morete delati samo na enem področju imunskega sistema in verjeti, da vam bo to sploh koristilo. Z dobro prehrano je kot z domom - preden lahko začnete vgrajevati stene in streho, mora imeti dobro osnovo. Ne glede na to, kakšen način prehranjevanja želite izbrati, naj bo vegetarijanski, veganski, mesno-krompirjev ali kakšen drug, se morate zavedati osnove - treh velikih gradnikov vseh načinov prehranjevanja.

Vsak that you eat, from the great (wilted Swiss chard with balsamic vinegar and walnuts) to the not so great (molten chocolate cakes with whipped cream topping), can be categorized as one of the three macronutrients. All meals are comprised of a fat, a carbohydrate or a . Some foods will have elements of many of them but will eventually be broken down and treated as one or another in the body. No matter what popular fad diets will let you know, you will find none of those three you can live without, at least not well and not for long.

Zdrave maščobe

V prehrani si želite zdravih maščob. V prehrani želite dobre, kompleksne ogljikove hidrate. V prehrani potrebujete puste beljakovine. Vsi skupaj iz telesa pomagajo ohranjati njegovo vrhunsko delovanje, zato je pomembno, da se naučite, kaj so, kaj počnejo in zakaj jih potrebujete. Maščobe se v telesu razgradijo in se shranijo kot maščoba, vendar imajo v telesu tudi druge vloge. Najprej delujejo kot sekundarni vir energije za telo. Drugič, dobre maščobe zmanjšujejo vnetno reakcijo telesa.

Po drugi strani pa slabe maščobe ta odziv povečujejo. Vnetni odziv pomembno prispeva k debelosti. Dobri viri maščob so losos, skuša, tuna in druge mastne ribe, oreščki in olja oreščkov, oljčno in olivno olje ter avokado. Med slabe vire maščob spadajo vse maščobe, ki so pri sobni temperaturi trdne, in vse maščobe, ki vsebujejo izraz "hidrogenirane".

Ogljikovi hidrati

There are two kinds of carbohydrates, simple and complex. The main job of both kinds of carbs is to offer energy to the body. Each carb is broken down in the body and then used as fuel. The easy carbs are those which are broken down quickly, leaving the body flooded with blood sugar. In response, the body releases a lot of the hormone insulin, which will shuffle all the blood into storage as fat. Complex carbohydrates, on the other hand, are digested more slowly and don’t cause the blood glucose level to spiral out of control. They are then used for energy and when desired, the excess will be stored as well. Good carbohydrates include the entire grain foods.


Protein comes from two sources, plants and animals. All animal protein is complete since it gives all eight of the essential amino acids which the body can’t make by itself. On the other hand, only soy protein is complete, with all other plant proteins being incomplete since they’re lacking one or more of the essential amino acids (leucine, isoleucine, valine, methione,threonine, phenylalanine, tryptophan and lysine). A vegetarian diet will still get enough protein for a healthy one if there’s sufficient variety to compensate for all the different amino acids which are lacking. Protein from lean meats and low-fat dairy products are a fantastic way to find animal proteins also. Protein supplements may also be a fantastic way to get sufficient protein and can be utilised as a meal replacement if they have enough calories or as a between-meal . Protein is crucial to the immune system and a number of proteins are shown to enhance the immunity and provide solid immune system support. Whey protein is full of glutathione, an antioxidant that’s necessary to support a healthy immune system. Additionally, it comprises the antimicrobial property, lactoferrin.