Gather a dozen or so guys in 1 area for an hour or so, and odds are that many of them will scratch their penises at least once. When alone with just other men, giving a fast scratch into the penis is almost a rite of manhood. But if in a more formal setting, an itchy penis becomes a tiny – and even more so if that manhood appears perpetually itchy.

Kaj storiti?

Often, an itchy penis may require some tiny alterations in your penis health regimen. Other instances – such as when iodine might be liable for the itchy penis – other modifications might be necessary. Iodine is considered a vital trace element, a term often thrown about in scientific reports, but its importance isn’t really known by the general public. When something is a vital trace element, that means it is required for proper growth and development, albeit in only tiny quantities. Although iodine has some little role to play in the health of the , je znan predvsem po večji vlogi, ki jo ima pri nastajanju posebnih ščitničnih hormonov, zlasti tiroksina in trijodtironina.

Ti hormoni so tesno povezani z in . function and play a particularly noteworthy role in the body’s metabolic process. In the uterus and in babies, these hormones are also vital to proper skeletal and development. Iodine is perhaps most familiar to the general public in a liquid form (also referred to as iodine, though it contains more ingredients than just the one) for use as a disinfectant. Additionally, iodine can be injected into the body to help in high-contrast imagery helpful in identifying interior health difficulties.

Ali ste vedeli?

Telo ne more zlahka proizvesti joda, zato ga je treba pridobiti iz drugih virov. Tla vsebujejo različne količine joda; rastline, ki rastejo v tleh z veliko joda, bodo imele večje . Some foods which naturally contain high levels of iodine include seaweed, shrimp, eggs, cod, and dried prunes. A kind of iodine can be added to table salt, a process initially begun to help decrease the chance of individuals developing growths called goiters. As with a number of other nutritional elements, iodine can be added to the v obliki prehranskih dopolnil.

And the itchy penis? So what exactly does iodine have to do with the itchy penis? It turns out that some people are allergic to iodine, and one way in which the allergy gifts is as reddish bumps, appearing somewhat like acne. They can appear anywhere on the body, such as showing up as a penis rash. Along with looking unsightly, iodine allergies may mightily. The harshness of the itching may depend upon the seriousness of the allergic response, in addition to on factors associated with skin irritation and protection.


Other indicators of an iodine allergy include tingly lips, runny nose, gastrointestinal problems, and, in rare but severe cases, , which may be life threatening. Often, consultation with a physician is essential to properly take care of an iodine allergy. An itchy penis due to iodine or other causes may often be relieved by regular use of a top-drawer penis health oil (caregivers advocate Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). The ideal oil will contain moisturizing agents, such as vitamin E and shea butter, which may keep skin hydrated and reduce the itchiness caused when skin is too dry. Additionally, the oil should consist of alpha lipoic acid, a potent which can help strengthen penis skin health by fighting free radicals and the oxidative stress that they may cause.