и , how do these two components fit together? Quite simply: with the help of these innovative weight loss capsules, users should be able to lose up to 15 kilograms in weight within 30 days. A fantastic prospect when you consider that many women and men try to get rid of their unwanted love handles every day. This is made possible by a special two-phase effect.

What is Piperinox?

You will certainly have tried a number of diet products in the past and ultimately found that the promised effect did not materialize. However, this should not be the case with Piperinox. Users should not only achieve their dream weight quickly, but above all effectively and keep it off in the end. The dreaded yo-yo effect is said to be ruled out if the capsules are taken regularly. But how can this be? The secret can be found in the special two-phase effect of the preparation.

In the first phase, also known as the preparation phase, the body is gently prepared for losing weight. In this context, the body is also freed from harmful toxins and deposits during this period. This is followed by the second phase. This is referred to by the manufacturer as the 24-hour burning mode. Due to the preparation phase, the body is optimally prepared to burn fat so that the broken down fat cells can be immediately converted into and burned. This results in rapid and, above all, permanent weight loss with Piperinox capsules.

Who are the Capsules intended for?

The Piperinox motto is to lose weight quickly and, above all, effectively. The manufacturer’s target group therefore includes women and men who have previously tried unsuccessfully to reduce their own weight. Thanks to the special two-phase effect, the desired results should not be long in coming.

When can an effect be expected?

The question of when the first effect can be expected naturally concerns most users. The time of the first changes or improvements plays an important role, especially with preparations that are intended to support weight loss. However, as with many other preparations, a Piperinox effect cannot be generalized. Some users notice changes shortly after the first intake, while others have to wait a little longer. However, the desired weight loss results should be seen within 30 days.

Piperinox Ingredients

Какао: Cocoa is the seed of the of the cocoa tree and is the main ingredient of . This seed is rich in flavonoids such as epicatequins and catechins, in addition to being rich in antioxidants and, therefore, its consumption can have several health benefits such as improving mood, blood flow and regulating blood sugar. In addition to antioxidant, cocoa is also anti-inflammatory and protective of the cardiovascular system. Cocoa helps in weight control because it helps reduce the absorption and synthesis of fats. In addition, when eating cocoa it is possible to have a greater of satiety, as it helps regulate insulin, however this benefit is mainly associated with dark chocolate and not with milk or white chocolate, since they are rich in sugar and fat and low in cocoa. Cocoa is rich in flavonoids and catechins that reach the large intestine, which could increase the amount of bifidobacteria and lactobacillus, which are good bacteria for health that exert a effect, helping to improve intestinal function.

Глюкоманнан: The high water absorption capacity of glucomannan causes the stomach to swell, providing a feeling of satiety, and due to its ability to increase the viscosity of the gastrointestinal content delays gastric emptying, thus prolonging the effect of fullness.

1 and Vitamin B6: Vitamin B complex, which includes B1 and B6, helps metabolize fats, proteins and carbohydrates. It helps to convert the food we eat into energy instead of storing it as fat. Vitamin B, particularly B6, plays an important role in boosting metabolism. They help the body convert food into energy more effectively, thus favoring fat burning.

Intake and Dosage

In addition to the special two-phase effect, many users have repeatedly praised the easy and uncomplicated intake of Piperinox. One capsule should be taken in the morning and one in the evening with sufficient liquid. For optimum results, the manufacturer recommends a course of at least 30 days. Due to the special two-phase effect, users can not only lose weight more easily, but also maintain the weight achieved without having to fear a yo-yo effect.

Possible Risks and Side Effects

Basically, Piperinox side effects are virtually impossible. The manufacturer pays attention not only to the quality of the active ingredients, but also to their tolerability. However, no 100% reliable statement can be made with regard to possible side effects. Undesirable accompanying symptoms can often be attributed to allergies or intolerances and are therefore not always predictable. If you have a known hypersensitivity to caffeine or another active ingredient, we therefore advise against taking it.


Among the numerous diet and weight loss products that are now available on the market, Piperinox stands out clearly and positively. It is easy to take and we could not find any evidence of possible side effects. In terms of effect, we are more than enthusiastic. To be honest, we would not have expected such success. It should also be noted that the capsules are affordable for every user. And thanks to the purely natural active ingredients, they can also be taken on a long-term basis. Our assessment is correspondingly positive and we can give Piperinox a clear recommendation. Purchase the original product from the official website of the Manufacturer: Piperinox Original