Why Do You Need a Strong Immune System? Seems like nearly every week there’s a new , a killer germs, a new disorder announced by WHO or the medical institution. It just ai not going to happen people! Sure, you might get some temporary relief. In actuality, you might even think you’re well. But, I can practically guarantee that little bug, or germ, remains there on your body somewhere, just waiting for another opportunity to surface.

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Все мы являемся носителями различных болезней и микробов. В вашем теле есть раковые клетки, стафилококки, вирус гриппа и многие другие. Причина, по которой они вас не беспокоят, кроется в вашей иммунной системе. Вот несколько Wealth Tips to help improve your immune system. Eat a Good Diet. Avoid processed foods as much as possible. Eat loads of fresh raw veggies and fruits. Eat home grown, organic foods as much as possible. Our system is so polluted with chemical toxins, most farmlands are bombarded with chemical fertilizers and herbicides that the food has lost much of its nutrient value. Our meat supply is indeed full of hormones and antibiotics which it has influenced the health of our kids. Find a great farmers market or a local farmer that will sell you fresh vegetables and fruits and range fed meats.

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Eat Some Fermented Foods Every Day. Fresh yogurt, kraut, fresh will add friendly to your digestive tract. You can find some superb herbal recipes to boost your immune system by looking online or contact me at the link below, and I’d be pleased to forward you a list of my favourite immune boosting recipes and urge some high quality that you should be taking. Never buy anything that says ‘sugar free’ or ‘fat free’. That is another lie of social advertisements.


We’ve become such a nation of couch potatoes, channel flippers, computer freaks, we don’t keep the blood circulating through lack of exercise. Is it any wonder that so many men and women are fat! It does not matter what sort of exercise. Just do something daily that will keep the heart pumping strong, the lungs great.

Солнечный свет

Get some sunshine every day which you can. No sunglasses, no sunscreen, only a couple minutes of fresh air and sunlight. Your eyes need it. Your skin needs it to convert the cholesterol beneath your skin to D. Don’t think the media advertisements about’sunscreens’.


Ben Franklin is credited with saying,’Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.’ There’s a lot of truth in the expression. Two hours of before midnight is worth more that 4 hours after midnight. You body needs the rest to fix itself. If you constantly deprive yourself of proper sleep and rest, you’ll get sick!