Profesioniștii în yoga își dezvoltă abilități de autocontrol chiar și prin confortul de la sfârșitul cursului de yoga. Exercițiile de relaxare yoghină sunt numeroase și variază de la relaxarea musculară progresivă la respirație . There’s nevertheless a systematic relaxation of many body parts which deeply relaxes body and brain, and can infuse the body with awareness at a cellular level.

Despre energie

Where attention goes, energy follows. Disconnection in the body is one cause of illness. This felt and conscious connection with over 100 body parts during yogic relaxation, infuses the parts with life energy, also referred to as chi, or prana. Researchers, by Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana Samsthana (SVYASA) and Bangalore Institute of (BIO), tested yoga relaxation techniques on people living with at second and third phase and found that the exercises weren’t only successful in combating the unwanted effects of the disease, but also helped preserve immunity levels to fight the illness.

Tehnici de yoga

These include poses, breathing, hand rankings, , self study and comfort. Singling out comfort, there are at least ten yogic relaxation methods to quiet your mind and relax muscle . Benefits from relaxing body and mind affect us physically, emotionally, mentally and emotionally. In an official yoga on the mat , we could develop our self monitoring skills by paying attention to a lot of intricate details of our physical body. Or on the other hand, we might discover that simply knowing and feeling whether we’re maintaining length in the spine, suffice for self evaluation of their physical.

Menținerea conștiinței de a simți mișcarea respirației în timp ce menținem o postură ne dezvoltă, de asemenea, abilitățile de auto-observare. Și la un nivel mai subtil, și autoevaluarea cât de împământați suntem sau câtă lejeritate credem că avem este primul pas pentru a ne menține echilibrul energetic atunci când suntem în postură. La niveluri mai profunde, pe măsură ce rămânem statornici în postură, putem observa și simți cât de multă disperare ne stă inima și/sau câtă dăruire credem.


The longer we have the ability to breathe and hold easily in the pose, we might observe ourselves enveloped with feelings of softness, surrender or guts. The more we have the ability to associate with all levels of our being, i.e. physical, energetic, mental emotional, religious, the more we improve the health of our immune system and boost the feeling of well being. Energy follows our attention.