Superfoods are nutrient-rich foods considered to be particularly beneficial for and well-being. As mentioned in my previous article — we are what we eat, which makes health conscious decisions and developing healthy dietary habits are secrets to your own physical and mental wellness. I’ve handpicked top few superfoods from other food categories — vegetable, seed and fruit — that are famous for their unmatched health benefits.

Você sabia?

Leia sobre estes poucos super-alimentos de topo que estão prontamente disponíveis nos supermercados à sua volta, eles irão transformar e dotar todo o seu corpo de um bem-estar super-heróico. Muitas vezes chamada "O Milagre do Mar", a spirulina é um dos super-alimentos mais conhecidos até agora. Como resultado das suas propriedades nutricionais embaladas e eficácia, é a escolha número um pelos astronautas para os ajudar a suplementar nutrientes vitais no espaço exterior.

Spirulina is a natural algae powder and based on how well they’re harvested, they can be incredibly high in antioxidants, protein, minerals and vitamins. Based on NIH (National Institute of Health), there’s inadequate scientific evidence to support the clinical advantages of spirulina in treating any particular health conditions. But many really promote its use for relieving health conditions which range from problems, diabetes, high cholesterol into psychological disorders.

Tomar nota

São 65% proteínas e aminoácidos, como os aminoácidos essenciais, o ácido gama-linolénico (GLA), que tem propriedades anti-inflamatórias eficazes. São muito ricos em clorofilas, que eliminam o veneno do sangue e reforçam o sistema imunitário. Elevada concentração de ferro biodisponível, pelo que é sugerido a grávidas, doentes anémicos e veganos. Incrível capacidade antioxidante com ORAC (Capacidade de Absorção Radical de Oxigénio) superior a 24.000, o que é quatro vezes superior à dos mirtilos.

High content in calcium, in actuality, 24 times greater than milk! Quinoa is a seed that’s harvested from a species of a plant called goosefoot. It’s neither a cereal nor a grain, and in actuality, they’re more closely associated with and beet. They are the least allergenic of all of the grains and contains twice the protein content of barley or rice; which makes them a terrific healthier substitute for plain rice. The year 2013 was really called “The International Year of Quinoa” from the United Nations, based on its high nutrient value and potential to contribute to food security globally.

Factor nutritivo

They’re loaded with fiber, protein and minerals with no gluten, making it perfect for folks that are gluten intolerant. Contains two unique kinds of flavonoids: Quercetin and Kaempferol. They have outstanding anti-inflammatory properties combined with, anti-viral and anti-cancer consequences. They have very low glycemic index. Low GI foods are often associated with reduced risks of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome and cancer. An exceptional source of protein that has ALL the essential amino acids we need. Quinoa is high in minerals which most folks can not get enough of, especially calcium.

Os mirtilos são os frutos de uma árvore que agradam à família da saúde, incluindo o e . Not only are they delicious, but they’re demonstrated to be nutrient dense with huge health benefits for the consumer. They have the greatest antioxidant capacities of fresh fruits, which neutralises free radicals tightly connected to the growth of cancer, cardiovascular disease and other age-related health ailments.

Anthocyanin (pigment responsible for its dark color ), selenium and surplus quantities of vitamins in blueberries are connected to boosting brain health and the avoidance of neurotic disorders. They’re low in fat that makes them a terrific snack and an outstanding source of manganese, which plays a very important role in bone growth and converting carbohydrates and fats into energy. Holds at least 25 percent of your daily recommended intake of , melhorando a saúde das gengivas e reforçando o sistema imunitário.


Blueberries can aid in reducing , which is linked to reduced risks of cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndromes. The top 3 superfoods listed in this article aren’t only ideal because of its nutrient-packed properties and health benefits, but its their abundance and easy availability which makes them even more outstanding. But it’s also important to remember that, a diet is healthy only when it’s well balanced. Health is something which you can’t buy in a kind of pills nor do these 3 superfoods work miracles and heal cancer. Health is a lifestyle; be mindful, be aware and most importantly, be smart.