Muitos homens e mulheres estão interessados em estimulantes do sistema imunitário ou num sistema de reforço imunitário e é por isso que fornecemos esta coleção de informações, dicas úteis e estratégias para ajudar as pessoas a protegerem-se de constipações, vírus e infecções bacterianas. Este guia inclui a investigação atual sobre ervas, botânicos e outros produtos vegetais que podem ser estimulantes naturais do sistema imunitário; esta não é, de forma alguma, uma lista exaustiva.


Doctors, scientists and researchers are always investigating new information and detecting new immune system stimulants. A whole immune strengthening system must start with basic habits. Growing up, we were advised to wash our hands before we eat, but not until we touched our faces. Regardless of what immune system stimulants you use, you’ll be more inclined to pick up viruses or bugs should you not wash your hands before you touch your face, mouth, eyes or nose.

The next crucial step in an immune boosting process is proper nutrition. Taking a supplement, one of the typical immune system stimulants, isn’t enough. If you don’t get enough calcium or magnesium, then the cells of your body might be unable to consume the vitamin C. If you choose an supplement, but not a vitamin C supplement, then the cells of the body might be unable to absorb the iron. Vitamins and work together.

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As part of an immune boosting system, an entire multi-vitamin will be more beneficial than a single vitamin supplement . A daily multivitamin will also insure that you are receiving adequate nutrition. We don’t always eat the correct foods in the ideal combination daily. Multi-vitamins are insurance against insufficient nutrition and natural immune system stimulants. You have to get enough rest for the systems of your body to work correctly. So the next element for an immune strengthening process is a fantastic night’s sleep.

Studies have shown what our mothers understood; many men and women need 6-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep each night for good health. Any conditions that disrupt a complete night of sleep on a constant basis have to be addressed before other immune system stimulants may do the job properly. So far we’ve got good health habits, a daily multivitamin and appropriate rest in our immune strengthening system. The upcoming items should be avoided, to be able to get the most from immune system stimulants and a complete immune strengthening system; smoking and stress.


While short term stress, like playing sports or coping with a direct threat, releases chemicals into the body which are temporary immune system stimulants, a lot of studies have demonstrated that chronic stress, resulting from a high pressure job, a troubled relationship or other aspects, blunts immune system responses. If you can’t reduce the chronic stress in your life then your need for natural immune system stimulants, like herbs and botanicals is higher. If you smoke, vitamin C is leeched from your system.

É mais provável que desenvolva doenças das vias respiratórias superiores. O seu sistema imunitário está ocupado a tentar contrariar os efeitos do tabaco, pelo que as tentativas de criar um sistema de reforço imunitário muito provavelmente não funcionarão. Todas as pessoas podem beneficiar de estimulantes do sistema imunitário, mas as pessoas que trabalham ou residem num hospital ou lar de idosos, as pessoas que trabalham com o público em geral, os filhos na escola, os estudantes universitários ou mesmo as pessoas que comem fora regularmente estão expostas a centenas de vírus diferentes e, por conseguinte, correm um maior risco de desenvolver infecções.


Immune system stimulants and a complete immune strengthening system are especially important for these individuals. Immune system stimulants containing Beta Glucans, located in the cell walls of , oats, , edible mushrooms and other plants, are the subject of numerous clinical and scientific studies. One showed that individuals using these immune system stimulants had an increased variety of helper T-cells circulating in the blood stream.

As células T auxiliares são glóbulos brancos especializados que identificam vírus e outras coisas que não pertencem ao corpo humano e notificam as células T assassinas para destruir esses itens. A suplementação com beta-glucano pode ser uma parte eficaz de um sistema completo de fortalecimento imunitário.


Immune system stimulants like the herb Andrographis Paniculata or AP for short may also be an effective element in an immune boosting system. AP has a history of use in traditional Chinese medicine for its effective treatment of disease, cold, fever and inflammation. Scientists who study herbs used in traditional medicine have demonstrated that AP could be effective for treating flu, by reducing recovery time and the of complications. While some herbs used as immune system stimulants may be toxic when used for long intervals, AP has been demonstrated in animal studies to have very low or no toxicity.