O interesse em alimentos contra o cancro continua a crescer. De fato, nos últimos anos, muitos livros têm sido escritos sobre alimentos anti-câncer e o uso de uma boa nutrição. Milhares de estudos científicos têm sido conduzidos sobre o tema. Os investigadores têm investigado as dietas típicas das pessoas que apresentam uma baixa prevalência de diferentes tipos de cancro.

É bom saber que

Most recently, the American Cancer Society has concluded that 14-20% of all cancer deaths in the USA are linked to obesity or excessive . About 30 percent of Americans are obese and many are obese. Experts concur that anti cancer foods are foods which are full of anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. Chronic is thought to lead to a lot of sorts of cancer, in addition to cardiovascular disease, and recent studies have demonstrated that body fat produces chemicals that cause inflammation.

Este estudo apoia a importância de uma dieta saudável que contenha alimentos que combatam o câncer, a maioria dos quais são frutas e vegetais, e que restrinja as gorduras dietéticas. Além disso, não há nenhum substituto para um programa regular de exercícios para o controle da perda de peso. Fazer mudanças drásticas na sua dieta pode ser desafiador e frustrante. Você vai encontrar mais sucesso fazendo pequenas mudanças ao longo de um período de tempo prolongado.

Ter em conta

If the cancer fighting foods mentioned here aren’t those that you’re accustomed to eating, consider adding a couple of distinct ones to your diet monthly. Remember to bear in mind any known allergies. When trying a food or spice you have not eaten before, watch for responses, such as itching, hives or swelling of the mouth and lips. Severe allergic reactions to foods can cause anaphylactic shock, which is life threatening, and those men and women who suffer with allergies or asthma are more at risk and should use care when trying new foods.

Além disso, pode ser de ajuda para obter alimentos que são cultivados localmente. Estes não são tão susceptíveis de desencadear reacções alérgicas. A limitação de novos alimentos a um por dia pode permitir-lhe identificar sensibilidades alimentares ou alergias. As bagas estão entre os alimentos anti-câncer mais eficazes. Estudos com animais mostraram que as amoras-azuladas inibem a criação de uma enzima responsável pelo desenvolvimento de tumores.

Tomar nota

  • Foi demonstrado que o bilberry inibe o desenvolvimento do cancro e células no laboratório.
  • As romãs (uma parte da família das bagas) são consideradas alimentos contra o cancro devido à sua influência no cancro da mama, da mama e da pele em estudos de laboratório. Além disso, as sementes de romãs são anti-inflamatórios orgânicos. O objectivo de uma dieta anti-cancerígena é comer principalmente alimentos vegetais. Parece que dietas que são dois terços frutos, vegetais, legumes e grãos são as melhores.
  • Recommended anti cancer foods are high in B-complex (shown to give protection against cell mutation and reduce risk of pancreatic cancer) and D vitamins (curbs growth of cancer cells, reduces risk of lung and breast cancer). A group of vegetables called cruciferous are high in both B-complex and D vitamins. Examples of cruciferous vegetables include broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, turnip greens, cabbage and kale. In lab studies, these vegetables have been shown to shrink colon and esophageal cancer tumors as well as eating them is thought to decrease the progression of colon polyps (a precursor to colon cancer), even in people that are genetically predisposed to them.
  • The Cancer Cure Foundation, a nonprofit providing information on complementary and alternative therapies since 1976, adds the following anti cancer foods: avocadoes, figs, flax seed, grapefruit, red grapes, yellow and green leafy vegetables, mushrooms, nuts, oranges, lemons, papayas, seaweed, soy, sweet potatoes, tapioca, tomatoes, and red peppers. You might have noticed that most the cancer fighting foods are especially colorful. Those exact phytochemicals that give these fruits and veggies there glowing colours are cancer fighting agents. Thus, the reason for the recommendation to eat an assortment of different colored fruits and vegetables, daily. Just because you’re raising fruits and vegetables in your diet doesn’t necessarily mean that it has to be bland.
  • Several spices have been demonstrated to possess anti-inflammatory, anti inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. Curcurmin, the major ingredient in curry and used for flavoring in many Indian dishes, is a known anti inflammatory, boosts immune system strength and is thought to have a negative impact on all types of cancer. kills cancer cells in lab tests. Garlic, chili peppers, rosemary and jalapenos are all contained in the Cancer Cure Foundation’s recommendations for anti cancer foods. And then there’s the mangosteen. Not associated with the more common mango and only available in the kind of a supplement puree in many regions of the world, this fruit from southeast Asia could be the most effective of the cancer fighting foods.