Din is one of the most important systems in the body. It protects you from dozens of different ailments, and it does this by fighting off large quantities of bacteria, viruses, fungi and other germs that attack your body daily. Furthermore, it also works to stop the initiation of cancer. Germs are all about usand if we weren’t protected by our immune system, we would be dead in twenty five hours.

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It’s a complicated, complicated, and a well organized system, and it needs to be kept in top shape if you’re going to be fully protected. The white cells in your body (also called leukocytes) are a large part of your immune system. Most are born in the marrow of the body’s long bones. Some of them migrate to the gland early on where they become T-cells. Others stay in the bone marrow, and a number of them become what are known as B-cells. Together, the B and T cells are known as lymphocytes.

Selv om T-cellene kommer fra thymus, er de opplært til å gjenkjenne over tusen unike antigener, og hvert eneste understanding just one specific antigen. An antigen is a molecular recognition code that’s on the surface of cells; is may be favorable or overseas. If unfriendly, like those on viruses, it’ll be attacked. Typically, however, immune system cells need to be granted permission before they could attack. This is because many friendly pathogens reside and carry out important functions in the body.


A great example is the friendly bacteria in your colon which help digest food. Your thymus works hard to teach countless T-cells during your younger years. As you grow older, however, it starts to shrink in size, and gives you less security. That’s why older people (over about 65) are more vulnerable to cancer and infections. As T-cells mature in the thymus, they take on one of four functions.


  • Helper T-cells (T-4 cells): These cells are especially important shortly after the occurs. They sound the alert, and alert the immune system, and they oversee the immune system’s response. They are generally activated after particles called macrophages detect antigens; those macrophages give off cytokines, or messengers, that inform other lymphocytes to commence the attack.
  • Suppressor T-cells (T-8 cells): Once the immune system cells have been sent out to fight the antigens, they need to be controlled and regulated, especially after the invaders are defeated. If not they could attack healthy cells of the body, which might cause autoimmune disease. Suppressor cells shut down the reaction when required.
  • Drepende T-celler: Disse cellene dreper ved å injisere gift i cellene som inneholder antigenet. De kan ikke angripe disse cellene uten tillatelse fra T-hjelpercellene.
  • Natural Killer cells (NK’s): They’re primitive T-cells which are free to attack antigens without consent from helper T’s. Basically, they’re the first line of defense. Targets for them are often identified by macrophages. While the war between immune system cells and antigens is happening, it’s very important to the immune cells to have the ability to communicate together. This can be done using -like messengers called cytokines.

Godt å vite

Et av de viktigste cytokinene er interferon. Det frigjøres av både T-celler og makrofager, og det leder NK-drapsmennene til de riktige målene. I tillegg brukes det til å hindre virus i å formere seg, og det er nyttig for å hemme veksten av kreftceller. Hittil har vi knapt nevnt B-cellene, men de spiller også en viktig rolle i kampen mot antigenene. De produserer nemlig antistoffer som angriper antigenene direkte.

B-cellene oppholder seg i benmargen, der de etter hvert blir spesifikke for mange unike antigener. Når de modnes, går de videre til kroppens lymfeknuter. Når T-4-cellene ser en B-celle som viser antigenet til en inntrenger, gir de B-cellene tillatelse til å produsere antistoffer mot antigenet. B-cellene begynner umiddelbart å vokse og dele seg til et stort antall plasmaceller. Disse plasmacellene er fabrikkene som produserer antistoffer. I løpet av en dag eller to deler hver B-celle seg i utallige plasmaceller som hver produserer millioner av antistoffer.


Disse antistoffene går deretter løs på antigenene ved hjelp av blodbanen. Et stort antall antistoffer låser seg fast på antigenet og uskadeliggjør det. De får hjelp av det som kalles match. Det fungerer som en katalysator for reaksjonen mellom antistoffene og antigenet, og det fremskynder reaksjonen. Det bidrar til å nøytralisere virus og andre uvennlige mikrober. To andre typer celler er også viktige i kampen mot antigener. Det er nøytrofilene og makrofagene. De kalles fagocytter og angriper og fortærer antigener.

Begge blir født i benmargen, og de vokser relativt raskt. Nevrofiler er mye mindre enn makrofager. De er som fotsoldater, lett bevæpnet, men det finnes et stort antall av dem, og de er vanligvis de første til å angripe antigenene. Når de blir kalt inn i en konflikt, stormer de inn, men kan bare drepe og spise noen få antigener (10 til 20) før de dør. Makrofager begynner i thymus som monofager. Når de vandrer inn i lymfevevet, vokser de med en faktor 4 eller 5 og blir til makrofager. De er mye større og bedre utdannet enn nøytrofiler, og de er i stand til å sluke og konsumere opptil 100 antigener.

Avsluttende merknad

Some of the viruses are currently migrating to other areas of the body. 10. The immune system raises the temperature of the body in a bid to destroy the invaders. It might increase it to 104 degrees. Additionally, it leads to to wall off the invaders in an attempt to prevent them from spreading. 11. After a few days the embryo and complement start to make some progress. Finally the antibodies, complement, NK and killer T’s combined with neutrophils and macrophages start fighting in unison and start to overcome the invaders. 12. The immune system is currently very competitive, however, and has to be turned off when the battle is finished. This is where the T-8’s come in. It’s easy to see from this why you will need a strong and healthy immune system. Delays at any point after the disease enables the antigens to multiply and if not stopped they are able to overcome your body. The list of things which you ought to do to keep your immune system in top shape at the start of the guide is so critical, and you should stick to it.