A powerful immune system would keep all types of illnesses away. The machine is capable of maintaining even cancer away. It has the capacity to suppress or block the growth of . This may explain the dormancy state of several tumors. The human body’s first line of defense aids in getting it rid of , viruses and fungi. A good and powerful immune system would help the cancer patients by keeping them away from infections during therapy.

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Den kreftdempende tilstanden som et sterkt immunsystem oppnår, kalles likevekt. I denne tilstanden mister kreftcellene evnen til å vokse, og noen celler blir drept. Denne effekten er imidlertid ikke tilstrekkelig til å fjerne kreften eller redusere størrelsen på svulsten. Forskning pågår for fullt for å undersøke likevektstilstandens evne til å drepe celler, slik at den kan brukes til å behandle kreft i fremtiden. Immunsystemet ødelegger og eliminerer kreften helt fra kroppen.

The immune system accomplishes a balance with the cancer cells, checks their development but doesn’t destroy them. The cancer is evasive and the immune system can’t locate it. It spreads and becomes cancerous. Cancer is still under investigation and lot of stuff has to be discovered. One of the primary things necessary to fight cancer is the immune system, which may be achieved by a wholesome diet.


Nyere studier har funnet tre grupper av som har vist seg å øke eller forbedre immunforsvarets funksjoner. Dette kan derfor bidra til at man aktivt unngår kreftvekst. Marine alger som f.eks. og increases immune function and decrease .

These algae are found to have fucoidan, a complex sugar which is responsible for the particular function. Some Asian mushrooms such as the , the enokitake and the maitake have the capacity to stimulate the immune system. Probiotics are found to rejuvenate the body with good and beneficial bacteria. These are crucial for body maintenance.

Avsluttende merknad

Yogurt contains live cultures and swallowing this is the simplest way to a healthy immune system. Red wine is another edible material that has anticancer properties. The wine contains which inhibit the growth of cancer. Biological treatment is the new kid on the block and utilizes the body’s immune system to fight cancer directly or indirectly. They may also be used to decrease the side effects of cancer therapy.