Forkjølelse eller oppstår når immunforsvaret er på et lavmål. Enten det er julens utskeielser, for mye alkohol, røyking eller inntak av bearbeidede matvarer - alt skaper en giftig overbelastning som stresser kroppen og senker motstandskraften mot sykdom. Når du tar reseptfrie legemidler for å lindre symptomene, tilfører du ikke bare kroppen mer giftstoffer, du legger også til rette for problemer senere.

Visste du det?

Bruk av legemidler mot forkjølelse og influensa fører til at virusene blir resistente. Dette er grunnen til at "forkjølelse" ser ut til å bli verre for hvert år. Det betyr ikke at du ikke bør ta medisiner, men du må gi kroppen din mulighet til å kvitte seg med sykdommen først. Immunsystemet vårt er det mest kompliserte, men likevel bemerkelsesverdige systemet i kroppen vår, og dets funksjon er å beskytte oss mot skadelige organismer, så den beste måten å håndtere infeksjoner av alle slag på er å styrke vår innebygde "forsvarsmekanisme".

The strength of your immune system depends on nutrients ingested in the food you consume. However, if your diet is deficient in fresh organic fruit and vegetables, nuts, seeds and wholegrains, then it’s unlikely you’ll be getting all the nutrients you need in order to build your immune system. Therefore short term use of supplements is perfect whilst you improve your diet. Aim to consume foods that form the colors of the rainbow as this will ensure that you are obtaining a huge selection of nutrients.


Antioksidanter som A, C, E, and Selenium help fight off free radicals. Vitamin C together with vitamin E has a greater effect. Vitamin C attacks free radicals in the biologic fluids whilst vitamin E appears free radicals in the cell membrane. Vitamin C may also help decrease the duration of a cold. Vitamin A helps protect against colds and flu by preventing foreign invaders from entering the body. EFAs are crucial to the manufacturing and rebuilding of fresh cells. EFAs can only be acquired through the diet and contrary to current belief, EFAs won’t increase weight.

The truth is they help people to lose weight. Avocados, nuts and seeds, wild caught fish like , trout, mackerel, sardines, cold-pressed organic oils like flax, hemp, walnut, borage and olive oil are excellent sources of EFAs. Pau d’arco, Cat’s Claw, Fungi and Astragalus contain chemicals which are believed to help stimulate the immune system and destroy harmful micro-organisms.


Herbs can be strong and some are contraindicated with particular medications, so it is a good idea to seek advice from a qualified herbal professional or medical practitioner. Simple changes like deep , exercise (swimming, dancing, brisk walking, playing, sports), diminishing processed and refined foods, losing weight, quitting smoking, reducing stress and decreasing alcohol can help keep your immune system in tip top condition. The trick to good health is dependent on what you put into your body and how you care for it. If you eat nutrient dense foods, drink filtered or pure water every day, and incorporate simple lifestyle changes, your body will self heal and thus provide you years of .