Now that winter is almost upon us, it is time to double up on protective maintenance. Here’s a little info on one of my favorite herbs for keeping your immune system strong. Before the introduction of allopathic antibiotics, the herb was what healers used to improve the immune system, without ever producing a single side effect. This is a whole lot more than we can say for a number of the artificial options that traditional doctors proscribe today.

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Native Americans used the plant due to its strong medicinal properties which help avert and heal a plethora of problems, followed by the ancient Americans and then the Europeans, who discovered much more about Echinacea’s ability to strengthen the immune system. In bygone times when syphilis, scarlet , , , and blood poisoning were widespread, Echinacea was the medication of choice, as it helped prevent disease while strengthening and strengthening the body’s army of disease-fighting white blood cells. Echinacea is a member of the daisy family and called”Asteraceae,” or purple coneflower because of its brilliant petals that stand out when in blossom.


Det finnes to forskjellige typer Echinacea: E. Angustifolia, som vokser best i kaldere klima og i stor høyde, og E. Purpurea, som vokser i lavere høyde i mildere klima. Begge typer kan dyrkes fra and then stored in partial shade as opposed to full sunlight. If you grow Echinacea on your outdoor garden, you’ll marvel at the proliferation of butterflies it brings! Most of the scientific research done on Echinacea has been in Germany where research shows how it will help to stimulate cells which fight infection.

Where allopathic vaccinations normally target a particular problem and conventional antibiotics frequently weaken the body’s natural ability to heal itself, Echinacea reinforces the immune system without any adverse results. With a strong immune system, the body is better able to combat viruses, , and abnormal cells by itself. Echinacea does this by activating white blood cells and lymphocytes so that they can perform their job of attacking and beating invading organisms that cause disease and illness.

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I Europa er Echinacea så anerkjent at det av og til brukes som intravenøst kosttilskudd ved enkelte kreftformer og ofte injiseres ved urinveisinfeksjoner. I USA, der farmasøytiske medisiner er det vanlige, krever det stor personlig research for å forstå betydningen og effekten av Echinacea som erstatning eller kosttilskudd. University of Maryland Medical Center bekrefter at mange laboratoriestudier viser at Echinacea inneholder aktive forbindelser som forbedrer immunforsvaret.

Because of this, the plant has received positive feedback in a more conservative setting for relieving pain, reducing , and helping to boost anti-oxidant and hormonal strength. Concerning the common cold, 14 clinical trials across the United States reveal that using Echinacea reduces the probability of creating a cold by 58 percent and decreases the duration of a cold by 1 to 4 days. I’ve used Echinacea through the years when I feel a cold coming on. Once the first symptom rears its head, I set about 30 drops in a glass of room temperature water and drink this twice a day to maintain my system powerful. It’s ideal to use Echinacea on a short term foundation, as this way you get the most out of its power. I use it before my symptoms go away, or as a preventative, for two to three weeks with a break of a couple weeks.


You may find Echinacea in several forms: as a tincture (alcohol or glycerine based), liquid extract, tea, capsule, in addition to in lotions and gels for topical use. Make certain you follow directions concerning dosage. Then combine your Echinacea protocol with accompanying doses of Body Activation fitness, and you’re going to be thriving all year long! Echinacea is not a replacement for critical medical cases. Ensure that you ask your healthcare provider before embarking on a protocol. Though there’s no known toxicity, it’s suggested to not use the herb in cases of progressive autoimmune and systemic diseases such as TB, , and connective tissue disorders.