We should all now be familiar with the Atkins Diet. Of all the’trend’ diets that move through our popular culture, none has caused as much interest or controversy. Put forward by the late Dr. Robert Atkins in the 70’s, the diet that has caused a storm is continuing to acquire both dedicated followers and severe opponents both within and without the medical .

The Atkins diet

It is just the most popular of an approach usually called low-carb diets due to the principal interest in limiting consumption of Carbohydrates. Since the whole spectrum of our meals is drawn from fats, proteins, carbohydrates or water, severe restriction of one group is seen by many as a random and potentially even dangerous measure. Most of the controversy surrounding low-carb approaches isn’t that they lie about weight loss (studies continue to show marked weight loss in most who use the diets) but the disturbing possibility that cutting the carbs from your diet just is not healthy.

After all, what’s a diet that slims you down just to clog up your arteries and kill you? We’ve heard many arguments both for and against using low-carbohydrate diets, this report asks a radical question: Can going Low-Carb really be healthy? WHY SHOULD I LIMIT & GRAINS? The first and most obvious carbohydrate group and we seldom have a lot of debate about reducing is sugar. Sugar is a catch all term for a variety of simple carbohydrates such as fructose (fruit sugar), Galactose (milk sugar), sucrose (table sugar) and glucose (simple sugars like blood sugar).


It has been rising for decades and, regardless of the several campaigns against saturated fats, is certainly the largest contributing factor to the rising obesity epidemic. Eating sugar causes a number of physiological effects in the body. The most striking of these is that the sudden and marked increase in blood glucose. Insulin is the hormone in our body responsible for’taxiing’ the food broken down in out gut to the several sections of our body that need these substances, even though it has numerous applications.

First, and above all, glucose, as sugar levels in blood circulation out is extremely poisonous. Left in our blood without control raised sugar levels would kill us fast, so the effective launch of insulin helps keep our blood rid of excess glucose. Unfortunately insulin is a double-edged sword. Excess sugar in our body can’t be disposed of in an infinite number of ways. With our growing sedentary lifestyles refusing to off a lot of the sudden and speedy release of carbohydrate as we eat, sugar is quickly converted into the identical saturated fats we are constantly warned about.


Sugar has other unpleasant side effects. The constantly elevated insulin levels can eventually result in decreased insulin sensitivity (Syndrome X) and another instance of Type II diabetes. Sugar also has an impact on our adrenal glands. It causes an excess of these hormones resulting in symptoms of stress and . Sugar also competes with the sugar carriers in our bloodstream, which operate with such as Vitamin C, causing disruption to our preciously balanced immune system and causing premature aging of the skin. Sugar is thought of as nitro-fuel for your own body.

It releases an extremely fast but harsh burst of artificial energy. In busy people requiring peak performance from athletic pursuits, simple carbohydrates can be a helpful tool, particularly in the field of pre and post workout drinks. Much like a drag-racer with nitro fuel, this substance may be used to replace muscle glycogen and spare muscle wastage because of overtraining effects. So since low-carb diets almost entirely eliminate sugar from our diets, we’ve found one significant health advantage.

Saturated fat

We’ve been warned about saturated fat and our increasing cholesterol problem for several years. Suddenly a diet comes along that seems to throw all that conventional wisdom from the window. As it happens, the American Medical Association has been made to announce the Atkins diet ‘heart-healthy’ following several college studies came up with the surprising findings that Atkins dieters were actually lowering their blood glucose deposits and sparing the hearts considerably greater than those on a standard higher carbohydrate diet.

That having been said, the heart is not the only thing we must stay healthy, so is there a third alternative? A sort of best of all worlds diet? A low-carb plan that is appropriate for your health and your waistline? We understand the basis of the diet is our great friend, the organic vegetable. But going on, it appears our bodies were created for a much greater variety of nutrients than those found in vegetables.

First up Fats

Yes, it may have finally started to infiltrate the mainstream media but its old news to many people. Fat is essential! We will need to eat fat. There’s no getting around it, our bodies do not merely tolerate the things, they surely need it to operate. When you recall that our brains have been over sixty percent fat, our organs need our very nerves are based from it, you start to understand how important it is. However similar to our friend the Carbohydrate, all fats aren’t created equal either.

Our bodies require a little group of fats which we call’Essential Fatty Acids’. Our body can’t produce these from any other substances and requires a regular supply or it starts to find shortcomings in its inner workings. We can get by for a while on diminished supplies but our health begins to suffer considerably in the long term. These wholesome fats come in the shape of the well-publicised fish and cod-liver oils, flax and several other oils and foods such as avocado. Simply be ensuring that a huge proportion of our daily fat intake comes from fresh, healthy oils will go a long way to enhancing our health, from protecting our mind against degenerative diseases to protecting our skin from the damaging rays of the sun.


ENJOY THE DIET! (Just because you stopped eating bread and chips with your meals does not mean you must get bored! There’s a limitless source of sauces, seasonings, meats, eggs and veggies which don’t need high carb sugar and corn syrup additives to produce great tasting meals. Get fitter and fitter and enjoy your meals as you do! Enjoying bacon once in a while poses very little threat. The content on this website is presented for information purposes only. We make every attempt to check the validity of all information on this website, but can’t accept any responsibility for any consequences or losses incurred by persons acting on this advice.