Veel mensen associëren and healthy with one another, but they move hand-in-hand. Your reproductive system is influenced by what you eat. Everything you consume eventually enters your blood stream and travels through your body. If you place processed foods or unhealthy foods in your body, it affects your digestive system, nervous system, immune system and reproductive system.


For greater fertility and reproductive , you will want to make a few lifestyle changes that involve eating a wholesome diet. Incorporate these foods in your diet that are great for your reproductive system. Green leafy vegetables are high in folic acid. Include Brussel sprouts and asparagus as part of your daily intake. Folic acid reduces the risk of ovulation difficulties.

Fruit are high in vitamins and possess numerous nutritional benefits. Oranges and berries contain vitamin C that fortifies the immune system and enhance sperm quality. Bananas contain vitamin B6 which regulates the hormones for both sperm and development. Apples are high fiber and low in calories. Cereals that are high in fibre will also be great to your reproductive system. It will help to control sugar levels and protect heart health.

Wist je dat?

Amandelen bevatten vitamine E dat een antioxidant is en helpt om het DNA van het sperma en de eitjes te beschermen. Kip is een belangrijke bron van proteïne die geweldig is voor de eiproductie. Pure chocolade bevat aminozuren die de hoeveelheid sperma kunnen verdubbelen.

Knoflook verbetert de bloedcirculatie naar de geslachtsorganen en beschermt het sperma tegen schade. Tomaten verhogen het aantal zaadcellen tot 70% en kunnen hun zwemsnelheid verhogen. Zonnebloempitten en oesters bevatten elk zink.

Zink is een must voor conceptie en is een belangrijk for female and male fertility. Carrots also improve your chances of conception as it’s full of carotenoids. It’s important to note that you will need to make a good deal of adjustments to your diet if you’re one who usually eats junk food or take-away meals.

Denk aan

Smoking, alcohol and medication can all have a negative influence on your fertility. So you’ll have to cut down on those also. Good nutrition that’s largely based on organic foods is important for a healthy body and a productive reproductive system. A fertility doctor will advise you that a fertility treatment may be challenging phase and it’s always best to have a healthy way of life. Always consult a physician when making lifestyle changes to your health.