Cilvēks ar vāju imūnsistēmu ir ļoti neaizsargāts pret biežām saslimšanām ar gripu, saaukstēšanos un citām vieglām saslimšanām. Mēs piekrītam, ka antibiotikas ir izrādījušās maģiskas zāles, taču to pārmērīga lietošana rada vairāk kaitējuma nekā labuma. Gandrīz 99% cilvēki domā, ka antibiotikas ir efektīvas visu vīrusu un baktēriju infekciju ārstēšanā, bet patiesība ir tālu no tā.


The truth is that antibiotics can’t fight against germs and taking antibiotics to counter viral infections can further aggravate the problem. Sometimes the body develops resistance against the medication bringing down the resistance level of the human body. Taking a natural var palīdzēt šajos apstākļos, novēršot papildu problēmas, ko var izraisīt medikamentu lietošana, un palīdzēt mazināt simptomus, kas jau ir organismā.

The immunity system is the first line of defense our body needs to counter the attacks of foreign invaders such as viruses, parasites, bacteria and germs that are all seeking to cause harm to our body. The immunity system which is composed of the , spleen, tonsil and functions together to keep the body working properly.

Dabiski veidi

There are particular herbs and natural foods that need to be consumed regularly to offer strength to the body. A weak immunity system is acquired or primary in nature. Primary in immunity is usually because of weak genetic character while acquired condition is because of unhealthy and lifestyle in addition to excess use of drugs for common ailments such as cold.

It’s been proved scientifically that herbal antibiotics, natural diet and a healthy lifestyle helps in fostering the health of the immune system and prevents the person from falling sick often due to cold, flu and other minor disorders. People who have a strong immune system are less likely to suffer from life threatening ailments like cancer.

  • C, E un A vitamīns ir vissvarīgākie mūsu imunitātei.
  • ir viens no senākajiem kultivētajiem augiem, un ir labi pazīstams kā dabisks imunitāti stiprinošs līdzeklis. Tas veicina balto asinsķermenīšu veidošanos organismā.
  • Have six ounces of yogurt every day to keep intestinal flora levels that aid in digestion.
  • Herbs such as un var lietot tablešu veidā, lai atbalstītu imūnsistēmu.