A healthier diet is quite much in the news nowadays, given such initiatives as Jamie Oliver’s campaign to change the eating habits of our younger generation. Not a simple task as adults like us want to be educated too. In this column I would like to concentrate on the increase of phytonutrient rich, soy based beverages which originate from the Far East. It’s an special formula that included scientists and nutritionists.


It’s full of phytonutrients a naturally occurring plant chemicals very similar to human oestrogens (hormones that the body produces for development and growth and good health). Oestrogens are critical for female reproductive system in addition to the bones, heart and . Phytonutrients also function as anti-oxidants that are important for promoting general health. There’s scientific evidence that people lacking in adequate dietary phytonutrients are more vulnerable to several health problems like cardiovascular disease and cancer, than individuals primarily in the East which have a diet rich in them.

This product is full of isoflavones. Postmenopausal women are at risk from oestrogen lack thereof e cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis. Isoflavones are a class of phytonutrients shown to reduce risk of developing these conditions and reduce number of symptoms associated with menopause such as hot flushes. There’s significant evidence for the use of soy to be advocated. It reduces frequency and intensity of hot flushes. It helps combat effect of osteoporosis associated with the menopause.

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These are intentionally made from the cells of our to be able to destroy viruses and bacteria. However levels can be raised by unhealthy lifestyles and diet, which then develop into a danger to our health. Antioxidants protect the body against the effects of oxidation and help neutralise any excess of free radicals within the body. DNA, which might lead to cancer. Soy such as animal protein contains all of the essential amino acids. However in Asian populations where soy is a dietary staple that the incidence of coronary heart disease and heart attacks is lower than in countries like the USA.

Įrodymai apie sojų baltymus įtikino Didžiosios Britanijos ir Amerikos širdies asociaciją skatinti sojų vartojimą kaip sveikos mitybos, kurioje yra mažai sočiųjų riebalų ir cholesterolio, dalį. Epidemiologiniai tyrimai parodė, kad labai skiriasi sergamumas vėžiu skirtingose kultūrinėse grupėse (Vakarų šalyse jis didesnis nei Rytų šalyse).


Clinical trials are encouraging suggesting that higher intake of phytoestrogens, particularly isoflavones are associated with decrease in the risk of developing , endometrial cancer, and stomach cancer. Lutein is largely found in yellow, red, green and orange fruits and but sadly we don’t eat enough of them. Among lutein’s primary functions is to offer protection against oxidative and free radical damage. However levels of lutein from the body are completely controlled by dietary option.