Not only are cherries among the most satisfying and tasty foods around, they’re rated by the American Journal of at the “Top 50 List” of meals with the most effective nutritional content and benefici. Sono i colori rosso intenso, blu e viola delle bacche migliori a contenere i composti vegetali che danno un forte impulso contro le malattie. .


Recent research studies have found the health benefits of cherries contain muscle pain relief, reducing inflammation, remedying sleeplessness, protection of brain cells, and relief for knee arthritis. Many of the scientific studies on cherries are complete with sour cherries or Montmorency cherries – usually sold as juice, dried, frozen, and in powdered supplements. For those searching for a food-based treatment for sleeplessness and insomnia, the tart Montmorency cherry is known to contain elevated levels of melatonin, the hormone made in the brain which modulates the adrenal cycle.

L'European Journal of Nutrition ha presentato una ricerca controllata con placebo che ha dimostrato che bere succo di amarena aumenta la serotonina e migliora la qualità del sonno. L'assunzione del succo ha provocato tempi di sonno più lunghi, meno sonnellini diurni e una maggiore efficienza complessiva del sonno (la proporzione tra il tempo trascorso a letto e il tempo effettivamente trascorso a dormire).


These also give proven relief for men and women that would like to decrease muscle pain or soreness after exercise or plenty of physical activity. A study by a sports nutrition journal found that runners who drank sour cherry juice before and during a race, experienced less pain afterwards. The elevated levels of properties in cherries provided a protective effect against muscle damage. In the struggle against Le amarene possono essere un'arma fantastica. In uno studio condotto su animali dall'Università del Michigan, gli scienziati hanno mescolato la polvere di amarena intera con una dieta ad alto contenuto di grassi.

The animals that ate the cherries had a lower body fat, lower cholesterol and significantly lower levels of the sort of inflammation that is linked to disease and diabetes in people. Fat cells are described as”chemically active” ones which may diminish the strength of their e contribuiscono all'insorgere di un'infiammazione diffusa. In uno studio in cui le persone hanno bevuto otto once di succo di amarena ogni giorno per un mese, è stato dimostrato che l'infiammazione è stata ridotta nell'organismo in una serie di marcatori ematici più importanti.

Nota finale

è il tipo di artrite più comune. Provoca una cronicizzazione pain, swelling, and decreased motion in joints. It may occur in any joint, but generally it affects knees, hands, hips or spine. In a recent study at the Baylor Research Institute, scientists gave sour cherry powder capsules to individuals with knee osteoarthritis. At the end of the eight week study, over 50 percent of those people benefited with great increases in motion and significant decrease in pain. For better brain health as one ages, a study by the journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry has shown that tart cherries protect brain cells from cell-damaging at a dose-dependent method. To put it differently, when more cherries are consumed, there are more neuro-protective advantages for the mind. This shows a possible defense against conditions like Alzheimer’s.