For quite a long time, people believed that stress can make you sick. But we had no way of scientific evidence. With the evolution and advancement of biomedical science we are now able to prove that there’s a clear link between the frame of and the condition of health. The bridge which connects your mind and mind with the body and its general health is the .

Sistema immunitario

A properly functioning immune system protects the body from and when the immune system is malfunctioning, we get ill. This research paper will explore the mind-body relationship and how it affects the immune system and general health and the life coaching implications. The purpose of the immune system is to protect our body from infection and disease.

Il sistema immunitario riesce a riconoscere le cellule "self" da quelle "non self". Queste cellule "non self" possono provenire dal mondo esterno (virus, batteri, parassiti, funghi) o da cellule anomale provenienti dall'interno del nostro corpo (). Queste cellule "non self" sono generalmente chiamate antigeni. Il nostro sistema immunitario è composto da , spleen, tonsils, thymus, lymph nodes and lymph vessels. All these organs and cells are involved in production, maturation and regeneration of our white blood cells. White blood cells, also referred to as the lymphocytes, are “soldiers” that fight infection and disease.

Tipi di cellule

There are three main forms of white blood cells: T-lymphocytes, B-lymphocytes and natural killer lymphocytes. There’s a constant happening between lymphocytes – they chatter about antigens they struck; stimulate or suppress each other and govern how our immune system works. This communication is facilitated by little bio-molecules created by the cells of the immune system. T and B-lymphocytes will need to be sensitized by an antigen so as to have the ability to destroy it.

To put it differently, the immune system must recognize the presence of an antigen, transmit the comprehensive information regarding the antigen to a certain T cell known as”helper” that in turn will stimulate either a creation of an antibody or sensitize the B or T directly. Once sensitized, the lymphocytes have”knowledge” about the antigen they are seeking. They know what it looks like and they seek it out and ruin it by engulfing it bursting it with its biochemical warfare accessible.


Gli anticorpi hanno uno scopo simile. Conoscono anche le informazioni dettagliate sull'antigene e creano sulla loro superficie una sequenza che si adatta solo alla disposizione dell'antigene che stanno cercando, come la chiave dell'auto che si adatta solo alla serratura del veicolo. Una volta che gli anticorpi si legano all'antigene, lo neutralizzano con il proprio gruppo biochimico, oppure diventano dei fari per un altro linfocita, indicandogli dove si trova il nemico e aiutandolo a raggiungerlo e a fagocitarlo.

Imagine a missile that’s obtained coordinates and is on its way to destroy the target. Natural killer cells don’t have to “understand” an antigen so as to find it and destroy it. They have an innate , a library so to speak, of what’s”self” i.e. ordinary in our body. Natural killer cells patrol our own body and examine cells they encounter. When they find a mobile that doesn’t fit their library, they ruin it.

Come ci ammaliamo?

We get ill when the immune system is defeated by the challenger. This may happen either because of being challenged by a novel antigen which our body has never encountered before, or when the immune system isn’t functioning properly. In our lifetime we encounter several novel antigens and because our body doesn’t have “knowledge” of its presence, it defeats the immune system. However, this success is only temporary, and the immune system will determine the publication antigen and mount an immune response against it. A great example would be influenza.

Ogni anno c'è un nuovo ceppo che causerà un'epidemia. Con il vaccino antinfluenzale diamo una spinta al nostro sistema immunitario. Inoculiamo una minuscola particella di antigene influenzale, dando al nostro corpo le conoscenze necessarie per organizzare una reazione immunitaria a questo nuovo ceppo influenzale e, così facendo, ci proteggiamo da esso.

Il nostro sistema immunitario è spento e acceso da un sistema intricato e se questo sistema funziona male e non accende o spegne la resistenza, si manifesta come malattia. Lo stress è la tensione psicologica e fisica dovuta alla nostra risposta alle esigenze ambientali.

Nota finale

The evidence is overwhelming that anxiety and our frame of mind greatly affect the immune system and through this connection, general . Life coaching methods and tools help manage life and minimize the effects of stress while at the same time that it enables clients to assume a realistically optimistic . La collaborazione tra coach e cliente fornisce un forte sistema di supporto, indispensabile per un'efficace gestione dello stress. Per le persone mentalmente sane che cercano di migliorare la propria salute fisica e il proprio benessere, il life coaching è una chiave di volta. Il life coaching è anche economico, funziona rapidamente ed è molto efficace. Rafforzate il vostro sistema immunitario: rivolgetevi a un life coach!