As we mentioned in previous articles, has an essential part and the majority of the time it’s the first treatment for a few who for any reason can’t conceive after 1 year of unprotected sexual intercourse. The plays a significant role in protecting our body against the forming of free radicals, e virus.

Lo sapevi?

But for whatever reasons, sometimes the immune system attacks sperm at the women’s reproductive organs or sperm in the testes in men, resulting in infertility. In this guide, we’ll discuss how immune dysfunction affects fertility in a traditional perspective. The immune system helps to recognize foreign invasion like the forming of free radicals, bacteria, and viruses so as to destroy them.

For some reason immune systems may become abnormal, leading the immune system to attach it’s own body tissues or see the sperm as foreign invasion. Antiphospholipid syndrome is defined as a condition which causes blood flow in the veins or arteries and several other issues. Additionally, it causes abnormal generation of that not just attaches to the body’s invaders, but also it is body cells including sperm in the testes which result in a minimal quality of sperm.

Nessuna cura

Ad oggi, non esiste ancora una cura per la suddetta sindrome, ma alcuni farmaci tradizionali possono aiutare a controllarla, diminuendo così la possibilità di coagulazione del sangue e di infertilità. Gli anticorpi antinucleari sono una particolare classe di autoanticorpi che hanno la capacità di attaccare le strutture del nucleo delle cellule anziché svolgere la funzione anticorpale standard.

Since the nucleus of a cell includes genetic material known as DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), ANA (antinuclear antibody) tests can be performed on a patient’s blood sample as part of the diagnostic procedure to detect specific autoimmune diseases brought on by the above. Antithyroid antibodies can be analyzed by diagnosing the patient’s ghiandola e l'ormone stimolante la tiroide TSH nel campione di sangue.

Solo l'ipotiroidismo causa disfunzioni autoimmuni. Sono definite come l'andamento anomalo degli anticorpi prodotti dal sistema immunitario che agiscono direttamente contro la ghiandola tiroidea. Può derivare da un'infiammazione della ghiandola tiroidea con conseguente produzione anomala di particolari anticorpi antitiroidei, come l'antitiroglobulina e l'antimicrosomiale, che causano l'aborto spontaneo aggredendo le cellule della placenta o del feto.


Antisperm antibody can be produced by either spouse. It’s defined as a particular class of protein linking themselves to the sperm, causing different cells from the immune system to attack them, resulting in low quality sperm in males and effecting the ability of sperm to fertilize the in women.