It is a known fact that losing can be difficult. If it were simple, there wouldn’t be 64 million pages on Google under the heading “lose fast”. There are ways to make a work, no matter how hopeless it may seem. These will be covered in more detail later, but let’s get started. Before I begin, I want to emphasize that the best decision you can make when trying to lose weight is not to set unrealistic goals. There is overwhelming evidence to show that diets fail because they fail to reach unrealistic goals.

Lose Weight

Failure to achieve a goal that is too aggressive can lead to frustration, disappointment, and even giving up. If you have a lot to lose, talk to your doctor and ask for a realistic goal in terms both of the weight lost and how long it will take. You can’t lose 25 pounds in one month, so don’t expect it. Set realistic goals and stick to them. The hardest part about is giving up your favorite foods. The first tip is to not give up your favorite foods.

A fruit smoothie made with natural sweet ingredients is a great way to replace sweet treats if you have a sweet tooth. You’ll feel less grumpy and healthier. Fast food is a good option, but not every day. Reduce the amount of cheeseburgers and fries you eat once a week to make it a treat for the six days that you are doing well. You can still enjoy your favorite foods without having to eat as many calories. A smoothie made with fresh or frozen , plain or Greek yogurt and a little honey as sweetener will make a satisfying and sweet treat that is lower in calories and carbs.


Finally, get out and exercise. Exercise will burn more calories than sitting in a chair or on the couch. Those extra calories will help you reach your goals faster. Walking for 20-30 minutes per day at a “conversational pace” will help you lose weight and strengthen your heart muscle. These are three proven methods to lose weight safely and effectively. Setting realistic and achievable goals is the first and most difficult step. If you set them too high, you will soon become frustrated and dissatisfied and ready to quit.

They will be meaningless if they are too low. Find the middle and set your goals there. Celebrate when you reach your goals. Don’t be discouraged if you fall off the diet wagon for a few days or weeks. You are in it for the long-term and tomorrow will bring you a new opportunity to start over.


Smoothies can be incorporated into any diet plan if they are made with the right ingredients. They provide your body the essential nutrients it needs to function at its best.