Over 40 years of research has shown again and again that 98 percent of diet programs do not work. Would you wish to participate in a program that had only a 2% success rate? The simple fact of the matter is diets make you fat. Why don’t diets work and how do they make you fat?


  • A famine state is made leading to excessive fat storage.
  • released leading to a break down of muscle and an increase in fat storage.
  • Release of lipoprotein lipase, a highly effective fat storing enzyme.
  • Emotionally, you feel deprived and unsatisfied.

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  • Six Small meals per Day: From a traditional perspective, six meals every day might appear excessive. However, as you begin to exercise, your metabolism increases. Because of this, your body needs a constant supply of high quality nutrition. Eating six small meals each day offers you all the energy to function at optimum levels.
  • Do Not Skip Meals: Skipping meals only puts your body under stress. To accommodate for the lack of food, your body starts to slow down, you eliminate energy and you undermine your . In conditions of nutrient deprivation, your body begins to store fat and will gradually digest it’s muscle.
  • What About Calories? : Counting carbs and caloric restriction are terms frequently associated with diets. reduction is important when losing , but by focusing on portion sizing and healthier food choices, we could achieve while providing the body with adequate nutrition. Specialty diets (liquid only, fruit only etc). These plans outline a diet high in protein and saturated fat, with carbohydrate consumption kept to a bare minimum.


  • Promote the choice of high fat meals. A healthy weight reduction program should take a more balanced approach with proteins and low glycemic carbohydrates and also keeping saturated fats to a minimum. Through healthful food choices and portion control, undue artery , weight loss, higher energy levels, and mental alertness, and general health are achieved.
  • Calorie consumption is reduced as a result of of plant-based foods. Specialty diets often have something in common; they severely restrict or even eliminate certain foods or groups from potential meal choices. People drop weight because this limitation contributes to caloric restriction.


Unfortunately, these diets put people up for failure. Weight loss does happen, but when the individual tries to return to “normal” eating patterns, the weight reduction. Moreover, blood glucose levels are changed, which then results in energy changes and mood swings. Some specialty diets might even cause ketoacidosis. These quick fix plans frequently endanger your health to the best extent. They aren’t nutritionally sound, sustainable, or effective on a long-term foundation. Because of this, you’ll get fatter.