Asthma is a disease of the respiratory system in which the passages that allow air to pass into and out of the lungs narrow, causing wheezing, coughing and shortness of breath because of restriction of air consumption. Over 17 million Americans suffer from asthma and it occurs equally in males and females and in all ethnic and socio-economic groups.

The numbers

The incidence of asthma increased more than 60 percent in Americans between 1982 and 1994. Scientists suspect that the sharp increase was due to more exposure to second-hand smoke, growing populations in polluted city centers and new home that was badly ventilated. Asthma attacks happen when the bronchi and bronchioles become inflamed, usually by way of a triggering irritant like pet hair or cigarette smoke. This reduces the distance through which air can travel through the lungs, causing the lungs to work harder to move air in and out.

The attack usually begins with mild chest pressure and a dry cough and, like the attack intensifies, wheezing develops and becomes difficult with the cough making a stringy mucous. Since the airway inflammation prevents some of their oxygen-rich air from reaching the alveoli, the cells of the body begin to burn oxygen at a higher speed, which really increases the body’s requirement for oxygen. Inflammation of the airway occurs when an irritant comes into contact with the airway walls.

The body’s immune system finds the irritant as overseas and releases an immunoglobulin of the IgE class that could attach to the irritant. This triggers the release of technical white blood cells, called mast cells which go for the site of irritation. When they get there, the mast cells release histamine, a chemical substance that causes redness and as part of an inflammatory reaction. This causes the muscles lining the airway to contract much more, narrowing the passage farther.

The cells that line the airway invisibly into the inflammatory reaction and secrete a good deal of mucous, which clogs the bronchioles and triggers the wheezing. The most common causes of asthma attacks are incredibly small and lightweight particles which are transported through the air and inhaled into the lungs. For a lot of people, the environmental triggers are allergens like plant pollen, mould spores, animal dander and fecal material from dust mites and cockroaches.

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The triggers are also bodily, like exercise and infections like the . Alternatively, attacks could be caused by chemicals found in food, like the sulfites used to conserve wine and beer, and in drugs such as aspirin and ibuprofen. problems are probably linked closely to someone who may suffer with asthma. The paranasal sinuses are air-filled, mucous-lined cavities in the head and cheekbones and at the frontal bone just above and between the eye sockets.

The sinuses all drain into the nasal cavity. The sinuses are often infected with bacteria, causing inflammation and acute pain. Environmental and chemical peels, as well as most allergens, can likewise cause a moderate to severe inflammatory reaction in the sinuses. In all cases, the inflammation leads to overproduction of mucous from cells lining the cavities. Repeated attacks often result in a thickening of the mucous membranes and, occasionally, scarification requiring surgical intervention, which often provides only temporary relief. So what could be done about all this? The solution is regular dietary supplementation with a high quality bovine colostrum and this is the reason.

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First, allergic reactions and asthma are manifestations of an immune system that’s out of control. The thing is that at about age 13, the body’s health care mechanisms started to deteriorate. Before puberty, if you were only a young child, the very foundation of your immune system has been established by a tiny gland-like arrangement in the upper torso, the thymus. It’s within this structure that the cells grow that will decide the suitable sort of response your immune system should mount following an insult and cells from exactly the exact same source will regulate the quality and intensity of the response.

Cells from this gland also scan the bloodstream for abnormal cells and eliminate them. After puberty, the thymus begins to shrink and finally nearly disappears by age 50-60. So, even though the immune system develops more immunologic memory with time, it slowly loses the ability to efficiently and effectively orchestrate and direct the real immune response . When dealing with any sort of inflammatory condition, such as an infection, it’s sensible to realize that the best defense is based on a fantastic offense.


Scientific studies have proven that insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1), a significant part of high quality bovine colostrum, as well as the IGF superfamily of may reestablish and maintain a fully functional thymus, even in adults. Additionally, colostrum contains the alpha and beta chains of the hormone thymosin that behave independently and in concert to modulate the functions of the thymus.

Further, the proline-rich peptide (PRP), also called thymulin, in colostrum is proven to down-regulate the immune system and keep the answer to a foreign substance in check. Other studies have shown that adding only smaller quantities of colostrum from the daily diet of mature animals significantly enhances the ability of their white blood cells to respond to infection and destroy invading viruses and bacteria.

Thus, regular dietary supplementation with a high quality first milking colostrum, such as that from Immune-Tree, will strengthen and support the immune system and help maintain the immune system functioning at an optimum level and maintain the inflammatory reaction in check or, at a minimum, reduce the effect of the asthma attacks. As a suggested use regularly consume 5 – 6, 500 mg capsules or the equivalent powder every day and try to grow this to 8-10 capsules per day during the intervals when the attacks historically happen.