Les épices sont un excellent moyen de promouvoir une bonne santé, en particulier lorsqu'elles sont combinées correctement. De nombreuses épices ont des effets anti-inflammatoires ; des études indiquent que l'inflammation est à l'origine de nombreux problèmes de santé. Certaines sont antioxydantes et aident à lutter contre les radicaux libres, qui contribuent au cancer. Voici douze épices courantes qui devraient faire partie de votre régime alimentaire.


Anti-inflammatoire puissant, il est cinquante fois plus puissant que le C or E, as well as the early research suggests it helps prevent breast, , and colon cancer. Cumin can be found in curry (among many ingredients), or may be used by itself. One tablespoon provides 20 percent your daily dose of iron, which helps with your energy level and immune system. Early studies reveal that it helps with memory.

Il s'agit d'un puissant antioxydant et anti-inflammatoire, grâce à la curcumine qu'il contient. Il est préférable de la mélanger avec du poivre noir, car le poivre noir contient de la pipérine, qui augmente l'absorption de la curcumine de 2 millions de pour cent. Non seulement la curcumine présente des avantages antioxydants, mais elle stimule également les capacités antioxydantes naturelles de l'organisme. Il réduit le risque de maladies cérébrales et cardiaques et améliore la mémoire.

Poivre de Cayenne

This spice will help to awaken your metabolism, helping with weight loss. It contains Capsaicin, which offers pain relief (it’s an active ingredient in a number of over-the-counter anti-soreness lotions ), fights prostrate cancer, stops nausea, enhanced flow, normalizes blood pressure, and it helps strengthen the heart. Additionally, it stimulates circulation and improves digestion. If you’re sick with the flu it helps clear mucus congestion, and helps with sore throat and cough.


Si vous faites griller ou sauter de la viande de bœuf, vous créez des amines hétérocycliques, qui augmentent le risque de cancer de la peau. of getting cancer. Marinating the meat in rosemary reduces the formation of heterocyclic amines by up of 84%. It helps boost concentration and relieve stress. It smells great too.


Rich in vitamin K and a teaspoon provides as much anti-oxidants as three cups of . Vitamin K helps with blood clotting, to develop strong bones, helps prevent , and works in combination with vitamin D (to the point that one does not work if another isn’t present). Early research indicates that oregano will help to stop the flu. It comprises Thymol and Carvacol, anti-bacterial agents which help fight disease and have quadruple the anti-oxidant levels that blueberries have. It helps alleviate menstrual discomforts.


Eating a teaspoon a day of cinnamon reduces your risk for diabetes and heart disease within fourteen days. Additionally, it helps to metabolize sugar so that you don’t have the highs and lows that come with sugars. It lowers and helps keep your arteries healthy. Additionally, it helps relieve indigestion, nausea, flatulence, and helps alleviate nausea. It comprises Glutathione, an anti-oxidant which helps with circulation.


There are a lot of health benefits to ginger, from helping settle an upset stomach to reducing the soreness experienced from a fantastic workout. It comprises the compound Gingerol, which is thought to be an anti-inflammatory. The early research suggests that daily use helps improve memory and attention. Nutmeg: Nutmeg is helpful for good oral . Il contient des substances chimiques antibactériennes, telles que le macélignane, qui réduit la plaque dentaire et détruit les microbes responsables des caries. En outre, c'est un anti-inflammatoire qui freine le développement des tumeurs.


It’s an anti-fungal, an anti-bacterial, and an anti-viral agent, and some studies show it helps prevent blood clotting. Thyme: The oil in Thyme is an antiseptic, an anti-bacterial, and it helps combat MRSA infections, which are resistant.


This spice is full of rosmarinic acid, which is an anti-inflammatory with a powerful anti-oxidant, which is known to reduce cholesterol and levels. Studies indicate it benefits memory, and is used with moderate Alzheimer endures to help with this. Some claim it helps with .


Cette épice contribue à réduire le taux de glucose et à abaisser le taux de cholestérol, en réduisant le cholestérol LDL (le mauvais) et en augmentant le cholestérol HDL (le bon). C'est un anti-biotique naturel efficace contre les salmonelles.