Colds, viruses, sore throats become more widespread during the winter season. These could be prevented through simple prevention with the assistance of proper nutrition. Immune boosting nutrition includes those foods which guarantee proper functioning of the body’s immune system.


Foods rich in amino acid arginine and omega-3 fatty acids: The arginine contained in nuts and meat, while the omega-3 fish-especially fatty-like herring, mackerel, sardines and . The consumption of tuna has to be done with some moderation, however, because the mercury it contains can cause problems, particularly in pregnant women and young children. Crucial for the correct functioning of the immune system is also zinc, which is an integral part of many enzymes.

Sinkkiä on lihassa sekä muissa maitojohdannaisissa. Runsaasti sinkkiä sisältävät myös kala, mustekala ja äyriäiset. Erittäin arvokas immuunijärjestelmälle voi olla glutamiini. Etsi sitä lähinnä juustosta ja maidosta, oli sen tyyppi mikä tahansa. On kuitenkin mainittava, että glutamiini on osa gluteenia, jota monet ihmiset (lähinnä lapset ) eivät välttämättä siedä. Ole siis varovainen ja etsi se maitotuotteiden etiketeistä ennen tällaisten tuotteiden käyttöä, jos sinulla on gluteenin sietämisvaikeuksia.


Another important set of immune boosting nutrients is antioxidants. Resveratrol is a wonderful . This herb-derived molecule are seen in the skin of grapes, in pine plantations, in , in nuts and naturally in red wines. Resveratrol has been found by research to possess beneficial anti inflammatory and anticancer properties, in addition to cardiovascular disease-protective properties.

Antioksidanttiset ja antimikrobiset ominaisuudet voivat johtua myös seuraavista tekijöistä. , which is probably among the very best immune booster, despite its bad odor. Of course there are numerous ways to decrease the odor by using dried garlic (rather than raw/fresh one) for instance, though dried garlic isn’t as successful as raw/fresh garlic. A little parsley after garlic ingestion may also help mask the odor.


The king and many famous of immune boosters against virus infections is none apart from . This super immune booster are found in oranges, lemons, and mandarins. Finally, our immune boosting nutritional arsenal wouldn’t be complete without honey. Honey contains natural antiseptics that help control the growth of bacteria which can make primary and secondary infections. There are no worse or better honey types/kinds concerning boosting immunity. You should choose one which suits your taste and you need to integrate it at the very least in you lunch and breakfast.