During the cold and season, lots of attention is paid to immune boosters like . However, that herb isn’t the only defense you can mount against illness, and a number of them might surprise you.

¡Toma nota!

  • Vitamina C: No es ninguna sorpresa, ya que en esta época del año abundan los anuncios de productos con vitamina C. La ingesta adecuada de vitamina C puede ayudar al sistema inmunitario. Una ingesta adecuada de vitamina C puede ayudar al sistema inmunitario. Es una vitamina importante que el cuerpo no genera.
  • : While this is largely of as being used for care, in addition, it plays a role in your immune system. It may be boosted by Vitamin C, so both could be taken together.
  • Betacaroteno: El uso de la sustancia química es aumentar la cantidad de células que combaten las infecciones y trastornos que atacan el cuerpo. Incluso puede ser útil para aquellos que tienen un sistema inmunológico comprometido, aunque eso debe ser comprobado por su médico.
  • Zinc: Studies show that even a small deficiency in this mineral can cause the immune system to weaken dramatically. On the other hand, it is easy to overdose on zinc should you take nutritional supplements. Check with your physician to discover how much is ideal for you.
  • Water: Adequate hydration is crucial for a whole lot of reasons. You do not necessarily need to drink all 64 oz as water, some can come through your meals. Juices count, but coffee, tea and cola beverages do not count. In actuality, they detract from your liquid intake count. Echinacea, garlic and Omega-3s are famous for boosting immune defense, but there are things that could detract.


  • Exceso de azúcar: Existe cierto debate sobre si el exceso de azúcar afecta directamente al sistema inmunitario. Sin embargo, puede ser un problema secundario porque llenarse de azúcar no deja ganas de comer alimentos sanos. También puede conducir a la diabetes.
  • Excess : Like sugar (in part because it’s sugar), alcohol may halt the appetite and stop eating healthier foods. In addition, it can damage other organs, especially the liver.
  • Fat: Foods high in saturated fat can decrease immune response oftentimes. However, not all fats are bad for it. Those found in cold water and flax seeds may actually enhance the response.
  • Food Allergens: Under those conditions, the body starts to attack itself, which can not be of benefit. Finding out what they are and removing them is important to remaining healthy.