There are lots of diverse ways to improve your health and many are cheap. Our bodies are made to move toward wellness. When you injure the body like a little cut, your body goes to work to cure itself. You body will also work to move away from illness. To help your body to heal itself, it’s helpful to give it with healthful ingredients. Many diseases are a consequence of poor nutrition or the lack of physical activity.

¿Qué está pasando?

We’re seeing obesity levels increasing. One in five deaths are now associated with being over weight. We’ve got records showing that diabetes has increased over 300 percent in 15 years. In the USA there are over 86 million individuals that are age 20 and over that have prediabetes. In that number almost 30 million have type 2 diabetes. Of the people aged 65 and above there are just one in eight who have Alzheimer’s. This disease is currently making it the third leading cause of death after enfermedad y el cáncer.

We have 13 million Americans dying from cancer each year and the prices are predicted to grow 57 percent in another 20 years. The US population has over half diagnosed with an allergy. Diseases of the immune system and allergies have almost quadrupled in the last couple of decades. If you know nutrition and how it relates and influences your health, you can find out that lots of health problems can be traced to the individual’s .

Si examinamos los alimentos que comemos, descubriremos que en su mayoría son alimentos procesados. Si tienes ese tipo de dieta, puedes esperar sufrir problemas de salud a lo largo de tu vida. El cambio saludable más fácil que puedes hacer en tu dieta es comer alimentos reales. Esta puede ser integral, no procesada, no adulterada y orgánica. Con este cambio clave, puede eliminar muchos ingredientes perjudiciales para la salud de su dieta diaria.

Among the worst enemies is sugar. Refined sugar and processed fructose such as high fructose corn syrup and the processed grains will cause your insult amount to go up. You need insulin to help your cells use glucose. When you consume too much sugar you’ll cause your cells to work towards being resistant to insulin. When you become resistant to insulin you’re on your way to diabetes and a number of other health issues and disease. Your body will store fat rather than fat when you are insulin resistant. Your body is going to have hard time to utilize stored for energy. This causes weight gain.


Todos los azúcares y los carbohidratos de los granos deben ser evitados porque estos te hacen engordar y pueden permitirte permanecer gordo. Cuando usted va en un rápido y localizar su nivel de insulina es más de 3 o 4, usted puede saber que usted es resistente a la insulina. Usted puede cambiar su resistencia a la insulina alrededor fácilmente siguiendo algunos pasos sencillos. Elimine de su dieta los azúcares y edulcorantes adicionales. Los alimentos procesados que vienen en tarro, lata, botella, bolsa o caja casi todos tienen azúcares añadidos. La mayoría de ellos se encuentran en el tipo de jarabe de maíz de alta fructosa.

juices have plenty of sugar. Eat whole fruit to replace the juice. Do not change to artificial sweeteners since these will also result in insulin resistance. The listing of artificial sweeteners are saccharin, sucralose and aspartame. There are different names for these sweeteners and these decrease the fantastic gut which harms and can cause gut dysbioses and glucose intolerance. Eliminate grains like , barley, oats, and rye. These grains increase insulin and result in resistance to insulin. You may have the ability to substitute almond meal, buckwheat groats, coconut milk and sweet potatoes because they have less impact on your blood glucose. If you’re already highly insulin resistant, you may benefit better to remove all grains before your body heals as well as your can later start use of the choices.