I recently read an article in a local paper of interest to the topic of . It brought out the identical biological medications used for ailments like, RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis), can also be used for psoriatic arthritis sufferers. It highlighted that there are five distinct kinds of psoriatic arthritis currently known. Sadly, it mentioned, there’s absolutely no cure for psoriatic arthritis.


Conventional treatments involves using nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS). Needless to say, the common problems of the drugs and many others like them, are the range of serious side effects that could happen. If you currently use any of these kinds of drugs, you know what I mean. Interestingly, these medications are immunosuppressant drugs that actually suppress the immune system. Both and arthritis are autoimmune diseases.

Esto significa básicamente que la capacidad del cuerpo para diferenciar entre el yo y el invasor está obstaculizada. Dicho de otro modo, la primera línea de defensa del cuerpo, el sistema inmunitario, está desequilibrada. Por un lado, un sistema inmunitario sano es igualmente equilibrado y dinámico. La inmunidad celular, es decir, lo que ocurre dentro de la célula, implica la actividad de las células T y los macrófagos.

Inmunidad humoral

Fuera de la célula, normalmente implica la acción de los anticuerpos. En un sistema inmunitario sano, la actividad Th1 y Th2 alterna entre las dos respuestas según sea necesario. Sin embargo, la incapacidad de responder adecuadamente con una respuesta Th1 puede provocar infecciones crónicas y cáncer, mientras que una respuesta Th2 hiperactiva puede provocar alergias. El fallo de la rama Th1 del sistema inmunitario junto con una rama Th2 hiperactiva están implicados en una enorme variedad de enfermedades crónicas.

If both of these arms of the immune system could be balanced, by stimulating Th1 and diminishing Th2, then a number of the symptoms related to the chronic illnesses would diminish, or, disappear and we’d have discovered the solution to immune and balance. With over eighty (80) forms of autoimmune diseases currently understood, such an approach would make a substantial difference in the lives of endures and their families.

One remedy for immune system imbalance (Th2 Dominance) is increasing glutathione levels. Glutathione levels in presenting cells determine whether Th1, or, Th2 response patterns predominate. Increasing glutathione levels helps reduce Th2 dominance. Glutathione (pronounced”gloota-thigh-own”) is a naturally produced protein fabricated within every one of the trillion cells in the body. This small protein keeps three crucial protective purposes. It’s the body’s master antioxidant, immune system modulator and powerful detoxifier.