It’s a question that lots of parents have asked themselves:”Why does my kid love playing with dirt?” One plain and simple answer may be: kids love the way dirt feels and smells. Another down to earth answer could be: kids play with dirt as as an element very near the composition of their own bodies, they are automatically drawn to it. Needless to say, one clear concern when kids play with grime is .


However, studies reveal that kids that play with dirt aren’t at greater risk of developing diseases, compared to those who don’t. Furthermore, it appears that kids that play with dirt develop stronger immune systems and resistance to viruses and bacteria. Of course we would not leave our kids play with dirt at a doggy park, or at any other place that would pose a threat to the health of children via contaminated animal feces, toxic wastes, or some other pollutants.

Yet, if we have access to a garden or if there’s a well-maintained park in our area, than allowing kids to play with dirt is perfectly fine. Playing with dirt is quite therapeutic, kin to the act of gardening. In actuality, teaching gardening to young children can be a excellent way to take their explorations with dirt into another level. Both, girls and boys alike enjoy playing with dirt.

Pay attention

We could have seen how much pleasure boys have picking up dirt and dumping it as they float through dirt with bulldozers and dump trucks, or women having a ball as they pretend-play to be mommies; cooking everything from mud pies, to cookie mush. This kind of play isn’t just innocuous, but it lends itself to mutual socialization as kids cooperate with peers at a non-competitive atmosphere.

There are infinite possibilities when kids play with dirt. Playing in open character, can have an impact in the intellectual orientation of kids, even opening the doors to future academic pursuits. Children’s current interest in the goods of the globe can literally spill into interests in the fields of biology, ecology and conservation. A research study on environmental education demonstrates how beneficial it is for kids to learn about their world hands. In her abstract, Joanne Glenn (Glenn, J 2000) clarifies that kids learn science by doing science. The results of her studies also reveal that kids improve across several academic areas when educated in an environment-based classroom.

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Improvements were enrolled in reading and mathematics scores, science and social studies. It might be hard to encourage kids who have been exposed to to get dirty. Children nowadays are so attached to technology, that playing in the dirt may seem like a foreign concept to many of them, particularly those living in metropolitan areas. Richard Louv author of Last Child in the Woods (Louv 2005), explains this as a peculiar phenomenon, and have coined the term; Nature Deficit Disorder.

He’s really nostalgic of times past when kids freely played in character, and parents really encouraged it. He believes children should be reconnected to character, but believes that somehow is conditioning our children to be fearful of it. He proposes using the principle of green urbanism, and weaving character into classrooms to promote what he calls: A No Child Left Inside motion.

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Remembering it is only in the past three or four decades that we’ve turned our backs on as a source for privacy and pleasure, can help us regain our dull senses. We have to awaken to the proven truth that children will need to play, roam through, and research character if they are to grow up to be caring people that are interested in the of the world and its resources.