Er din strong enough? Are you sure? At some stage or another, your body’s immune reaction can be hindered by lack of , poor eating habits and sleep deficiency. When traditional treatments aren’t effective for getting your back on track, you can find an immune system increase with electromagnetic wave treatment. It’s a sort of , just without the needles.

The Chinese have used acupuncture as a treatment for many different ailments for centuries and only in the last few decades has the western medical institution recognized its therapeutic properties. The custom is based on the belief that your body is full of pathways and when one of these gets blocked, you are able to court potential and illness. These energy pathways known as meridians interconnect all areas of the body from the significant organs into the bones to body functions and emotions.

When one of the meridians is obstructed, it may trigger an immune reaction. Acupuncture may be used to re-open the blockages. In practice, miniature stainless steel needles are inserted into various acupoints along the entire body. However, with the digital version called En stav leverer elektromagnetisk stimulation til tilsvarende akupunkter på hånden, håndleddet og håndfladen.

Elektronisk akupunktur

This electronic acupuncture treatment is non-invasive and may be used to treat your ailments and boost immunity in the house. Germs such as viruses and bacteria aren’t the only culprits for illness. Sometimes, stress, anxiety and exhaustion are the beginning points. When you let yourself get run down, some energy blockages begin closing up, undermining your immunity and your body’s ability to fight off . Suffering a lack of rest and sleep in addition to mind-diverting anxiety, you undermine your odds of staying healthy.

Med elektromagnetisk bølgeterapi kan man stimulere forskellige akupunkter på hånden og håndleddet, som har forbindelse til andre områder i kroppen. De digitale bølgeimpulser trænger ind i akupunktet, hvor de bevæger sig, indtil de når en energiblokering. Når de bryder igennem energiblokeringen, frigives der rigt, iltet blod foruden sygdomsbekæmpende hvide blodlegemer, så du får det immunforsvarsboost, du skal bruge for at forblive sund og rask.


Elektromagnetisk bølgebehandling er et fremragende supplement til konventionelle, vestlige medicinske protokoller. Derudover er den smertefri og kan bruges dagligt til at forebygge fremtidige lidelser. Uden brug af nåle er denne digitale form for akupunktur virkelig et foretrukket middel til at behandle smerter, angst og indse, at et boost af endorfin-frigivende energi. Ved at holde energibanerne frie får du naturligvis også et boost til immunforsvaret.