When it comes to ingesting a variety of superfoods for a health benefit, you might be confused about which superfoods to eat. Some super foods might have a potent flavor that will have to be obtained by the individual who’s consuming that specific food. However, 1 superfood that everybody will agree on is that the usage of raw uncooked chocolate and raw cacao.

Wussten Sie das?

Tatsächlich wussten die alten Mayas, Azteken und Inkas schon seit Jahrhunderten um die wunderbare Heilkraft der Schokolade und haben sie in ihren alltäglichen kulturellen Ritualen sowie in ihren Heilbräuchen verwendet. In der Tat, die of raw cacao were held to be so sacred, the legends has it that the Incans used Cocoa beans as money and the ancient Incans used it like gold bullion as they filled their treasury holds with tons of cocoa beans. Unfortunately, nowadays the positive advantage of this terrific superfood isn’t known widely.

Although, everyone enjoys chocolate, people don’t consume it in its raw form to the maximum advantage which they can derive from it. It acts as a stimulant, so the energy level in your body will be given a boost and you’ll feel better about yourself. It can also help reduce and overall weakness brought on by stress. Raw chocolate and raw cacao will help strengthen your cardiovascular system.


This distinctive superfood can help to regulate your sleep. Above all, pure chocolate directly stimulates various neurotransmitters in mind (such as serotonin) to decrease depression and to provide a feeling of or a sense of wellbeing. Hence, your mood will be uplifted and you’ll feel better about yourself. Raw chocolate has a very high ORAC quotient. ORAC stands for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity. This is an important property, as it denotes the ability to absorb free radicals from the body.

Dies kann ein sehr nützliches Konzept sein, um Ihren Körper vor krebserregenden Stoffen und freien Radikalen zu schützen, die Krebs verursachen. Rohschokolade gilt auch als mildes Aphrodisiakum, da sie bei regelmäßigem Verzehr nachweislich den sexuellen Appetit steigert. Rohschokolade kann auch dazu beitragen, Ihr Immunsystem zu stimulieren.

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Needless to say, it’s very important to consume in a raw and organic state, so that these benefits can be derived from it. If you’re looking for an excess method to stimulate your immune system, then it is also possible to consume mushrooms as a super food. This remarkable mushroom also has the capacity to strengthen your immune system so you can fight infections and protect yourself from influenza and other similar ailments.