You will need to know that each and every year the FDA attempts to determine what strain of the influenza will be widespread during the forthcoming season. By the time they’ve determined the kind of vaccine which will be manufactured, the has started to mutate, leaving the people with weakened immunity systems vulnerable to getting the flu or a severe cold.

Virale Infektion

Grippeviren verbreiten sich so schnell, dass jährlich 30 bis 60 Millionen Amerikaner daran erkranken und etwa 36.000 sterben. Sie mutieren so schnell, dass niemand wirklich vollständig immun wird. Das Immunsystem hat keine Abwehrkraft gegen ein bestimmtes Virus oder bestimmte Viren, die mutiert sind und ansteckender werden. Das ist der Grund, warum viele Menschen, die eine Grippeimpfung erhalten haben, immer noch mit der Grippe zu kämpfen haben. Tatsache ist, dass die Grippeschutzimpfung bei einem stark geschwächten Immunsystem tatsächlich wertlos sein kann. Eine vom National Institute of Infectious Diseases durchgeführte Untersuchung ergab keinen Zusammenhang zwischen steigenden Impfraten nach 1980 und sinkenden Sterberaten in allen Altersgruppen.


Their immune systems are weak or in a weakened state. Individuals with weakened or compromised immune systems aren’t only prone to having a cold or flu, but are seriously at risk for developing asthma, , and sinus problems also. Therefore, it’s incumbent upon all to maintain their immune systems in an optimum summit level to guard against invading viruses and . Basically, it is similar to wearing body armor when in a conflict zone, as we’re surrounded constantly by invading viruses and bacteria seeking to invade our bodies.

How we place this body armor to function is discussed in the health tips below. Visiting the toilet, after handling your pets, After using phones or any kind of equipment used by other people, After preparing and handling food, after doing any household chores and cleaning, vacuuming, taking out the garbage, etc., after any gardening or yard work, after purchasing and utilizing a shopping cart, after greeting others by shaking hands, avoid kissing each other when greeting friends.

Erinnern Sie sich an

Halten Sie Ihre Hände unbedingt von Augen, Mund und Gesicht fern. Halten Sie sich, wenn möglich, von Menschenansammlungen fern. Eine ausgewogene Ernährung mit viel Obst, Gemüse und Vollkornprodukten ist für die Aufrechterhaltung eines gesunden Immunsystems sehr hilfreich. Überlasten Sie Ihren Körper nicht mit zu viel . This not only affects the immune system, but will put on extra causing all of your body systems to work harder. Calculating the number of calories you need to consume on a daily basis is easy, simply multiply your weight by 6.7 and then put in 487. Then multiply that amount by 1.6.

Not only will this strengthen your immune system, but in addition it will enhance your longevity. There are a number of foods that will help enhance and maintain the immune system. These in particular are the foods that you will need to improve your diet that will help fortify the immune system. Fish, , yogurt, oranges, grapefruit, lemons, limes, cantaloupe, figs, apricots, chilli peppers, blueberries,cherries, sweet potato, yams, red bell peppers, tomato, onion, honey, nuts-all varieties. Additionally it is mandatory that you keep well hydrated during the day.


Trinken Sie and steer clear of colas and other carbonated drinks. Make certain to get enough rest in order to not put undue strain on your immune system. Adding the appropriate nutritional supplements to your diet is essential because most people won’t be getting enough antioxidants like vitamin A, C, E, and beta-carotene in their daily diet. Moreover an herbal supplement can prove to be very helpful in strengthening your immune system.