Remember your mother insisting that you eat citrus fruits frequently when you were a child? Nothing could be more valuable! Citrus fruits are a warehouse of Vitamin C, which we will need to ensure proper functioning of various organs and organs in our body. So thank your mother, and ensure that your kids too get the perfect quantity of Vitamin C from their diet.

Citrus fruits

Oranges, lemons, tangerines, limes, grapefruit, tropical guava, and kiwi fruit are excellent sources of Vitamin C. Papaya, strawberries, black currants, red peppers, tomatoes; potatoes, broccoli, and cauliflower are various other sources. If you include these in your family’s diet, there’ll be no requirement for vitamin C supplements. Vitamin C plays various immunity functions; it assists in and prevents diseases from spreading.

Vitamin C is vital to prevent scurvy and for sperm production. It gives energy and assists in the production of certain hormones which help to fight-off stress. Additionally, it protects against heart disorders. Additionally, it is vital for the formation and of skin, cartilage, and blood vessels and helps our body to readily excrete .

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Research suggests that low levels of Vitamin C in the body reveal a strong correlation with cancers of the esophagus, mouth, stomach, and pancreas. Another research indicates that consuming small quantities of citrus fruits reduces the incidence of skin cancer. Some studies indicate that Vitamin C can help control pain and inflammation. However, Vitamin C can’t help you heal insomnia, contrary to popular belief. To make certain that you get adequate amounts of vitamin C out of your diet keep temperature and time at a minimum.

Also, don’t throw away the water that you used in the cooking procedure. You may store cut fruits and veggies in the refrigerator for future use without them losing a lot of Vitamin C. However, do not cook in copper vessels. A fascinating fact is that Vitamin C levels in fruits vary with ripeness. For instance, in certain fruits, unripe models have more Vitamin C than very mature ones, and in different fruits the situation is just opposite. Additionally, different varieties of the same fruit often have various levels of Vitamin C. This is clearly shown in the case of the tropical guava.


The recommended daily intake of Vitamin C fluctuates between 30 and 60 mg across different countries. Research indicates that women that are pregnant or lactating might have a greater requirement. However, simply because vitamin C has lots of health benefits you do not need to consume huge amounts of vegetables and fruits rich in this vitamin. Remember to incorporate five in your daily diet; choose whatever you like and eat reasonably. Vegetables such as grapefruit are known to respond with some prescription medications, so consult your physician before you incorporate this fruit into your diet. Consumption of too much Vitamin C through dietary sources or by means of supplements can lead to acute indigestion, headache, and excessive .