The true medical aromatherapists around the planet tell us time and time again: the best use of essential oils for health is the combating of infectious disease. Aromatherapy in the US remains largely relegated to support of the mind – which it does rather nicely – but study after study continues to affirm the antibacterial and antiviral effects of essential oils, together with their excellent compatibility with human anatomy.


Много протоколи (подробни инструкции) са преведени и отпечатани от европейската медицинска литература по ароматерапия - съвети, които можете лично да включите в собствената си програма за естествено здраве и благополучие. За непосветените, етеричните масла са летливи ароматни съединения, дестилирани от растения. Те са химичните вещества, които придават на растенията миризмата им; сочния аромат на роза или острия мирис на мента. Растенията използват тези вещества, наред с други неща, за защита от нашественици като микроби, вируси и паразити.

Each plant’s oils have a exceptional makeup because of the plant’s own structure, natural surroundings, and its potential microbial invaders. Due to their chemical structure, essential oils are easily absorbed into the human body, passing through cell membranes, then farther on into the bloodstream because of their’lipophillic’ character (a structure in alignment with the components of our cell walls).

Етерични масла

These may protect us from germs in several distinct ways, from maintaining the space around us obviously microbe-free, to readying our immune system for protection, to really destroying the microbes once they have entered our bodies. The first line of defense is keeping your surroundings cleansed by diffusing essential oils in the air. Get a little nervous when friends or co-workers have a sneezing or coughing fit? Here’s an fantastic defense tactic – diffuse one or more of the strong yet pleasant smelling antimicrobial oils in your area.

Eucalyptus Radiata is most likely the most popular for this; it’s been known as an’aromatherapists designer oil’ due to its broad assortment of immune-supportive results and its pleasant odor (that is, if you like the smell of Vick’s Vapor Rub). Other oils used with a bit softer odor are Green Myrtle and Ravensara. A very pleasing yet strong blend can be made using 3 components clove bud oil, 5 parts oil, 1 and a half parts Eucalyptus Radiata, 1 and a half parts Rosemary Cineol and 2 parts Cinnamon Bark oil. Use this at a cold-air diffuser that creates a fine mist of these oils, dispersing them throughout your surroundings for the best protection.

Не забравяйте

Освен външната среда е важно да укрепите имунната си система. Етеричните масла са анализирани заради способността им да спират вирусите от реално проникване в мобилните ни стени, да поддържат бактериалните нива под контрол и да прочистват токсините от тялото ни. От многобройните налични масла две много забележителни масла са Niaouli MVQ и Bay Laurel (или Laurel Leaf). И двете могат да се прилагат директно върху тялото, въпреки че в случай че се сблъскате с някакви чувствителност, разредете маслото или прекратете употребата му.

Ниаули е мощно общо средство за укрепване на имунната система; използвайте 10-20 капки по меридианите на тялото веднага след сутрешния душ, когато порите са все още отворени и кожата е нежна. Това е особено препоръчително по време на "сезона на настинките и грипа", за да се стимулират естествените защитни механизми на организма.

Bay Laurel is of excellent support to the system; a few drops can be placed on the nodes in the armpits or neck for prompt relief of swollen glands oftentimes. Once a viral or infection has put it, treating it with essential oils can be a bit more complex. The problem lies in finding the appropriate oil for one’s particular illness, as some oils are excellent against particular parasitic strains, though these very same oils might not be the perfect choice in other cases.


Prevention with immune stimulant oils above is greatest; however, at the very first signs, program of 10-20 drops into the skin of the two Eucalyptus Radiata and Bay Laurel essential oils into the skin in the warmth of a shower (so that the skin is more porous) is known for. Eucalyptus can be placed on the chest and back, whereas Bay Laurel should be applied directly to the lymph nodes to encourage the immune reaction. The huge majority of individuals will not have any sensitivity response to such program – if, however, any skin is noted, apply diluted to 5% in a carrier oil such as лешникови масла.

Green Myrtle can be utilised in cases of bronchial disease where Eucalyptus might be found to powerful an aroma. Ravensara used in precisely the exact same way is called for in cases of colds and flu – it may be a more powerful compared to the above mentioned oils, and has a pleasing odor.

Generally speaking, Eucalyptus Radiata and Globulus, Green Myrtle and Ravensara may be applied to the skin (dilute whether any sensitivity is suspected) or combined with a diffuser or inhaler to loosen mucus and encourage the body’s cleansing process. Rosemary Verbenone is suggested for sinusitis and bronchitis – The medical aromatherapy literature suggests that this could be inhaled, applied topically in tiny quantities, as well as ingested (with good caution) one drop a few times daily.

Също така една капка лавровишня може да се приема вътрешно при болки в гърлото, тъй като подпомага директно лимфната система в региона. Когато избирате собствени методи за самолечение като част от цялостната си програма за естествено здраве и здраве, е важно да изберете подходящия метод за всяко обстоятелство.

Заключителна бележка

Conventional medicine has it’s place, and should absolutely be utilized as it will offer the best results. When it comes to common colds, the outcomes have never been so dramatic. Alternative therapies have provided a reasonable solution, and can be powerful if used wisely and with discretion. There are lots of helpful texts available for the usage of essential oils as medications – Advanced Aromatherapy and Medical Aromatherapy, both by Dr. Kurt Schnaubelt, are excellent sources for the intermediate to advanced practitioner. Know about your own body’s sensitivity to any essential oil and adapt utilization accordingly, and seek expert advice whenever necessary.