I’m one of those three million Australians who suffer from hay fever. Every time springtime arrives so does the runny nose, itchy eyes and constant coughing and wheezing as my body’s goes to fight . Hay fever or seasonal allergic rhinitis as some folks call it is brought on by common allergens specifically airborne from flowers, trees and grasses, and may affect people all year round however springtime is hay fever period for me.

Hay fever

Although not generally considered a significant illness, hay fever can seriously impact your quality of life by interfering with your ability to work, sleep, sleep and socialise. I had been admitted to hospital (start of Springtime) after having a hurry engulf my body from my feet to my head end in a gigantic headache, this arouses all types of concerns finish with the physician finishing you have very bad sinus, in other words hay fever. There seems to be no specific day I am likely to suffer with the symptoms of hay fever, probably because the pollen levels on any given day are influenced by humidity, temperature and the rate and direction of the wind.

I’ve even felt that the time of day may have an effect on the symptoms of hay fever, as plants flower early in the day, which makes pollen counts especially high between sunrise and mid-morning.

Why me?

Well I’m told firstly, hay fever only affects individuals who have an inclination towards allergies (yet I’m not allergic to insects), which occur when the body (immune system) has an exaggerated response to a substance that’s usually tolerated by the body. These substances called allergens initiate an immune response causing particular cells in the eyes and nose to release inflammatory histamines. These histamines inflame and irritate membranes of the eyes and nose causing a typical allergic reaction including blocked noses, runny noses, sneezing, and coughing and eye itchiness, amongst others. Secondly, for hay fever to attack, you ought to be exposed to or come into contact with an allergen. Therefore to decrease the symptoms of hay fever you will need to avoid exposure as much as possible.

Was ist zu tun?

  • Avoid going outside on especially higher wind days when the pollen count is usually high, some online weather website can offer this in case you’re internet savvy!
  • Consider what’s growing in your backyard, and designing your own garden in a manner that minimises grasses and plant pollen; nonetheless I my case it’s not exactly what grows in my garden it’s more what develops in the neighbours garden!
  • Pollens/ may conceal in rugs and carpets so we’ve eliminated all carpets from the home and now live on polished floor boards and tiles.
  • Picking your pets animals that loses plenty of hair aren’t perfect for hay fever sufferers, but in the event you do washing them and their bedding regularly may reduce the symptoms.
  • First thing in the morning and during the day wash away the pollen out of your eyes in different words continually rinsing your eyes, not only does this refresh you, it will help flush out pollen particles.
  • Boost your immune system. We’ve always taken C, for colds, also from study it known to reduce histamine levels, and potential reduce symptoms. Horseradish includes compounds that may reduce respiratory congestion, possibly reducing running noses. And finally because of how congested sinuses are a breeding ground for germs, I’ve had ear infection from time to time, therefore it was suggested to me may prevent this due to its antimicrobial properties and such as vitamin C also has immunostimulant properties in other words an agent that stimulates the immune system.