can damage the nerves that transmit signals through your body. This nerve damage is referred to as diabetic neuropathy. When you have diabetes, you’re more likely to have elevated levels of und Triglyceride in Ihrem Blut. Der beste Weg, das Auftreten einer diabetischen Neuropathie zu verhindern oder zu verzögern, ist natürlich die Kontrolle Ihres Blutzuckers und Blutdrucks.

Schädigung der Nerven

The nerve damage caused by diabetes can manifest itself in a variety of components and functions of the body. Symptoms vary with the kind of diabetic neuropathy you have. Autonomic neuropathy is a group of symptoms that occur when there is damage to the nerves which manage daily bodily functions, like your blood pressure, heart rate, sweating, and the draining of your bowel and bladder emptying, and digestion. It causes significant disruption to the functioning of the body.

Mononeuropathy or focal neuropathy is damage to a particular nerve in the face, chest (centre of the body) or leg. It’s most common in elderly adults. Mononeuropathy frequently strikes suddenly and can lead to severe . However, it usually does not result in any long-term issues. Proximal neuropathy is a rare, disabling type of nerve damage on your hip, buttock, or thigh. This nerve damage typically affects one side of the body, which makes it tough to maneuver, but rarely spreads to the other side.


Die diabetische periphere Neuropathie (DPN) ist die häufigste Form der diabetischen Neuropathie und ist das Hauptthema dieses Aufsatzes. Die DPN ist eine Schädigung der Nerven, die das Empfinden von Schmerz, Kälte und Wärme ermöglichen. Sie betrifft in der Regel die Beine und Füße, gefolgt von den Armen und Händen. Die Symptome sind nachts oft schlimmer. Es kann aber auch sein, dass Sie keine Symptome haben, obwohl Ihre Nerven geschädigt sind.

How common is diabetic neuropathy? About half of the people in North America and Europe who have diabetes also have some sort of nerve damage. Indeed 2 out of 10 people already have diabetic peripheral neuropathy when they are first diagnosed with diabetes. Someone that has prediabetes, is obese or has metabolic syndrome (three out of four of high blood sugar, high blood pressure, higher cholesterol and belly ) has a much greater prospect of becoming DPN than a healthy individual.

Über die Tests

What are the tests for diabetic peripheral neuropathy? Your doctor will conduct a series of tests to find out whether you have DPN. First they will visually check your legs and feet, searching for cuts, sores and problems with your flow. Then he might watch you walk to look at your balance. He or she’ll also need to know how sensitive you are to light touches. The health care provider may dangle a thin piece of thread or string over your foot, as you look away, touching your foot from time to time using the series to find out if you notice. In another test he might use a tuning fork on your feet and feet to see how sensitive you are to vibrations.

Your health care provider will also tackle some blood and urine tests. These help them to monitor your blood sugar and triglyceride levels. Some of the symptoms of DPN can be quite debilitating, making and even sleeping comfortably at night extremely tough. Additionally, DPN makes it more likely you might find a serious infection in one of your toes. This is because the decreased capacity to feel pain related to this sort of neuropathy means you might not detect minor cuts, blisters or other injuries to your feet as you can’t feel them.

Gut zu wissen

Sie können sich nämlich ernsthaft infizieren, was bedeutet, dass Sie einen Fuß oder einen Fuß durch Amputation verlieren können, wenn Sie nicht rechtzeitig die entsprechende Behandlung erhalten. DPN. Schwere Neuropathie kann die Knochen Ihres Fußes schwächen. Dadurch können die Knochen brechen oder splittern. Wenn die Krankheit früh genug erkannt wird, kann ein geschulter Arzt den Charcot-Fuß nach einer Erholungsphase mit Zahnspangen und Spezialschuhen behandeln. In ernsten Fällen ist jedoch eine .

Nothing could be done to reverse the damage caused to your feet by diabetic peripheral neuropathy. However there are numerous things that may be done to help the pain and prevent DPN from becoming worse. Products you place in your skin to numb it, such as lidocaine, may help mask the pain. Drugs used in the treatment of depression (eg, citalopram) and seizures (eg, gabapentin) can decrease the pain.

Dieser Autor hat Neurostil (Gabapentin) als sehr hilfreich empfunden, um die Schmerzen in den Fußsohlen aufgrund der DPN zu lindern. Darüber hinaus kann eine physikalische Therapie in Form spezieller Übungen zur Wiederherstellung des Gleichgewichtssinns und der Empfindungen in den Füßen Sie auf Trab halten (und gleichzeitig Ihre Stimmung verbessern). Wenn Sie nach "Übungen für periphere Neuropathie in den Füßen" googeln, finden Sie zahlreiche Vorschläge.


You may use a mirror so find the undersides of your bottoms. If you discover any issues that don’t clear up in a day or so, you should see your physician. Keep your feet clean. You should wash them every evening in warm , testing the water to be certain it’s not too hot before you put your toes in. Ensure to dry them thoroughly after. When you’re lying down, put your feet up (on cushions, say) to keep your circulation going. Wriggling your feet will also help keep your feet healthy. The width has to be sufficient for your feet. Make sure the salesman goes to the problem of measuring your feet correctly. Various kinds of runners are best, particularly those with gel or air-cushions from the bottoms. Consider using inserts or buy special shoes for diabetics.