Have you ever seen those”fat free” foods in supermarkets? Have you possibly delighted in them guiltlessly thinking that they’re healthy for you? There’s a good chance that you have because we usually follow what the media and the world around us says. In this day in age, along with other health fads, many people believe that fat makes you fat. This is true, to an extent. What we don’t notice is that not all fats are bad.

Take note

If I had to guess, because the words fat (as in what is in food) and fat (as in surplus body , or ) are the exact same word it is logical that if you eat fat, you get fat. However, this isn’t the case. Now do not get me wrong, there’s a difference between good fats and bad fats. If you eat the bad fats they can make you fat, and also contribute to a number of diseases. Your body uses the good fats in many ways to fix itself, grow, and operate better. Healthy fats enhance sensitivity.

Insulin is the hormone our bodies use to transport nutrients throughout the body. Insulin sensitivity is basically a measure of how effective our bodies use insulin. Insulin resistance is the opposite of insulin sensitivity and is among the first stages of diabetes. In this guide we will explore what exactly these nutritious fats are, where to get them out of, easy ways to incorporate them into your daily , and the optimal quantity of fat that you should consume.

Fat factor

I’ll also explain why the belief that “fats make you fat” has grown because fats can make you fat if you eat too many . Trans fats are produced by bubbling hydrogen through polyunsaturated fats to be able to make them have a longer shelf . Additionally, it was thought that trans fats were a much healthier alternative to saturated fats. However, this is far from the truth. In actuality, Denmark has already taken an initiative and prohibited the sale of trans fats not to let more than 2% of their food to contain trans fats.

Now that you know that trans fats are bad, how can you avoid them? In America, the FDA has required food manufacturers to list the amount of trans fats a food contains. This has helped consumers make wiser decisions, but according to FDA regulation,”if the serving contains less than 0.5 gram, the content, when declared, shall be expressed as zero.” This rule allows food makers to list quite small serving sizes and so long as the quantity of trans fats is less than 0.5 g in that serving, they are permitted to list it as 0 grams of trans fats.

The greatest way to tell if a food contains trans fats or not is whether the ingredients list comprises the term”partially hydrogenated” or”shortening”. Trans fats are largely contained in foods such as candies, cookies, foods, chips, shortenings, and lots of restaurants. Saturated fats are widely recognized as being bad fats. You probably know or believe this to be true, and it’s to an extent.

Did you know?

There’s actually quite a controversy involving several dieticians and nutritionists about saturated fats regarding the optimal level that we need to eat or if we should even eat them whatsoever. The reason for a lot of the bad rap that saturated fat was given is due to the fact that the liver uses it to produce cholesterol. It’s been noted to increase the good (HDL) cholesterol in addition to the bad (LDL) cholesterol. The FDA’s general rule for saturated fat is to limit it to about 10 percent of total calories every day. This would convert to about 20 g each day for diet containing about 2,000 calories every day. Saturated fat is mostly found in foods that are derived from animals.

The exclusion would be coconut, palm, and palm kernel oils, which also contain saturated fat. Monounsaturated fat is thought to help lower the bad cholesterol (LDL) and raise the good (HDL) cholesterol. As listed in the start of this guide, they also offer many healthful benefits. Monounsaturated fats are mostly found in vegetable oils. Some examples would include olive oil and canola oil. Polyunsaturated fats include the family of fats called Essential Fatty Acids, or EFAs. As you can tell by their name, these fats are crucial to the body because the body can’t produce them on its own. The principal EFAs are the Omega-3 fatty acid as well as the Omega-6 fatty acid.

They provide lots of the benefits listed at the start of this article too. Good sources of these fatty acids include fish, mustard seeds, pumpkin seeds, walnut oil, leafy green vegetables, sunflower, soybean, avocados, and possibly among the best resources is flax seed (be certain you grind them or purchase them in an oil type – the gut has trouble digesting the entire seeds). There’s a simple law called the Law of Thermodynamics. Along with this, our bodies burn a specific number of calories daily (this number changes everyday and is affected by many variables ).


This burning of calories daily is called total daily expenditure or TDEE. If the quantity of calories we consume in a specific day is under our TDEE, we lose weight (this weight isn’t necessarily fat all the time). If the quantity of calories we consume is equivalent to our TDEE, our weight remains the same. If the quantity of calories we consume is higher than our TDEE, we gain weight (as mentioned previously, this weight isn’t necessarily fat all the time – it could be ). Fat holds 9 calories per gram, while carbohydrates and protein hold only 4 calories per gram.

It follows that eating fat (any sort of fat, even the good kind) will create a greater amount of calories consumed. Therefore, it’s more probable that you are going to discuss your TDEE and gain weight, particularly if a lot of your diet comes from fattening foods. Along with this, fat is quite similar to the fat your body stores. This makes it easy for the body to keep consumed fat as fat (adipose tissue), but you have to take under account that keeping fat (consumed) as fat (adipose tissue) is not the only thing your body does with fat (consumed). You’re going to need to consume a part of your calories from fat to receive their many advantages, but not go too large.

Final note

Like anything else in the area of nutrition and fitness, there are many opinions on what the best levels of fat in the diet are. As an example, advocates of low-fat diets elect for zero fat and think that fat is what makes us fat. However, there’s a flaw in this belief since they’re also cutting out the great, numerously beneficial fats. Then you will find high fat diets, like diets indicating low (they usually say you can eat all the protein and fat you want). Although, it’s generally accepted to eat between 15% – 25% of your calories from fat while severely limiting the amount of trans fats and watching the quantity of saturated fat that you eat. Now you might be wondering how you are going to bring some of these healthful fats in your diet. There are actually some really simple ways to do so. If you eat salads, you can add about a tablespoon of olive or canola oil. In my experience, you generally can’t even taste these additional oils. If you get some flax seed and grind it, then you can add it to almost any food. Once more, these flax seeds are mostly tasteless. Really, adding these wholesome nutrients into your diet is not that big of a burden.