Most of us are conscious of the benefits of . But, is it common knowledge that moderate exercise improves resistance to all diseases? Exercise improves circulation, muscle tone, and cardiac function, elimination of toxins and immune function. Exercise is a vital part of eliminating toxins from the body in three ways.

Take note

  • During exercise we perspire.
  • With exercise, we breathe deeper, more often and more forcefully.
  • Muscular activity moves waste through the lymphatic vessels.

Because muscular activity is the only means to move waste through the , without exercise the toxins would stay in the body, immune function would become diminished and might eventually lead to illness.

Good to know

In women and men vulnerable to upper respiratory tract infections, forty-five minutes of brisk walking was demonstrated at the International Journal of Sports Medicine to reduce the length of disease in half and increase organic killer-cell activity. Your exercise routine doesn’t need to be strenuous to boost your immune system. Moderate exercise will bring all of the advantages of strenuous exercise and fewer injuries.

There are a few opinions stating that strenuous exercise really lowers immune function. A study conducted at Loma Linda University on marathon runners reasoned that training over 60 miles a week increases the of getting sick in comparison with instruction less than 20 miles per week. Researchers have discovered marathon runners with the quicker times suffered from more illnesses than runners with the slower times.

Keep in mind

It’s believed that this is a result of the increased stress placed on the body. Enjoyable, non-stressful exercise performed frequently such as , hiking, dancing, walking, bicycling, skiing, etc. can significantly boost immune function. Make certain the exercise isn’t contraindicated for an existing health condition. Recent studies have shown to boost immune function leading to up to 60 percent reduction in cancers.

Other experts state you could protect yourself from colds and flus with Vitamin D. Physicians are discovering that there’s a long list of diseases that Vitamin D may cure. Some of the diseases are , diabetes, osteoporosis, and autoimmune diseases.


Currently, experts suggest a daily intake of 2000 units for many kids and 4000 for many adults. It’s a fact that we can make our own vitamin D by simply going out in sunlight. However, during the winter we might be unable to go outdoors because of weather conditions and the additional Vitamin D in food resources might not be enough. It’s more reliable to take food supplements of Vitamin D so we know precisely how much we’re consuming. Check with your local health food store for a fantastic excellent Vitamin D supplement.