I visited the doctor several years ago for a routine check-up. He gave me some very bad news. He told me that my triglycerides and cholesterol were high and that I needed to lose 20 pounds. They rejected me when I tried to get insurance for myself and my family. I was 6’1″ tall and weighed in at 195 pounds. The message was not good and my handwriting was visible on the wall. I knew that I needed to make major changes. Although I had been studying nutrition and health for many decades, I was slowly falling into an unhealthy lifestyle and making poor food choices.

Food Factor

I was prone to eating fast food, especially , which is deep fried and full of unhealthy toxins such as MSG, fat, salt, and fat. After my appointment, I decided that I would get out my nutrition and health books and create a plan to improve my health. I created a nine-step plan to help me regain my health and shed more than 20 pounds of fat. If you’re serious about making major lifestyle changes and losing weight, here is a quick summary of the nine steps. Step 1: Eat only organic, healthy, nutritious food.

This includes lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, legumes, beans and nuts, as well as plenty of grains, legumes and seeds. Consume approximately 75% of your food in its raw form. Get plenty of fiber from whole grains and vegetables in your diet. Reduce your portions and eat less. Divide your meals into three parts and don’t let starch-rich carbohydrates like potatoes, pasta, bread, and bread take up more than a third of your meal. Include a green salad with your lunch or dinner. Rather than eating three large meals, eat smaller meals more often.

Take Note

Don’t eat if you aren’t hungry at mealtime.

  • Avoid eating refined and fattening, prepackaged, toxic, sugar-laden man-made foods that are high in sugars, fats salt, toxic additives, refined flour, and other harmful substances. Avoid health-destroying substances like MSG, high fructose corn sweetener and aspartame. Avoid pork and all pork products, as well as shellfish (shrimps, lobster, crabs, oysters, scallops, etc. ), farm-raised fish, deli luncheon meats.
  • Drink plenty of natural springwater every day. It is best to drink half of your body weight in ounces each day. If you are 160 pounds, 80 ounces of should be consumed each day. Tap water is full of chlorine, fluoride and other chemical contaminants. Only drink spring water or Artesian water. In moderation, you can also enjoy home-made fresh squeezed vegetable and fruit juices. Another alternative is herbal tea. Avoid soda, diet sodas, canned and bottled juices, and do not consume any sugary drinks.
  • Avoid synthetic chemical man-made or . Instead, you should be focusing on getting all your vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants from whole food sources. Whole food sources. I strongly recommend that you take a live, whole food nutritional supplement like “The Feast” (made in collaboration with Uri International). You can find more information about this in my Resource Box. Click the link to my nutrition blog. Because herbs are medicinal, they should not be taken every day. You should only take herbs for specific conditions and for a limited time. GTF Chromium is a great option to balance your blood sugar. It works in conjunction with insulin.
  • Get active every day. Get vigorous aerobic and anaerobic activity on a daily basis. For 30-60 minutes, take a “power” walk in the sun every day for 30-60 minutes. Jogging and walking can be combined. To increase muscle strength, lift weights every other day. Deep breathing exercises are a great way to increase oxygen in your lungs. For 5-10 minutes per day, use a mini-trampoline (rebounder). Enjoy the joy of vigorous sex (sexercise), with your spouse every day.
  • Give yourself the Sabbath day of rest that your Creator created for your rejuvenation. Give your body the day off from work and all your daily activities.
  • Cleanse your body and environment. To detoxify your body, get Dr. Don Colbert’s book Toxic Relief.
  • Give and receive love. You were created to love God, other people, and be loved by God. Be more open-minded, forgiving, accepting, and thankful.