Whether you’re having trouble becoming pregnant, or have had one or more miscarriages, you aren’t alone. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), about 10 percent of women (6.1 million) in the United States ages 15-44 have trouble becoming pregnant or remaining pregnant. Currently, to treat infertility, drugs are utilized to boost ovulation or fix hormone levels.

Let’s start

There’s intrauterine insemination, commonly called artificial insemination, where the woman is injected with specially prepared sperm. There’s also assisted reproductive technologies (ART). ART operates by removing eggs from a woman’s body and then mixing them with sperm to produce embryos. The embryos are then placed back in the woman’s body. Now, I would love to talk about another strategy.

Don’t focus on just hoping to become pregnant, but getting the body healthy enough to become pregnant. It’s one thing to get pregnant. It’s another to achieve a healthy pregnancy and a give birth to a healthy infant. Standard treatments aren’t addressing the general health of the mother. This advice is also applicable for girls who are planning to carry a child in the future or need to attain good general health and objectives.

Before getting pregnant, you must first restore and address the integrity and function of your health and immune system. This appears to be missing in regular care. When a woman becomes pregnant and is also afflicted by leaky gut, sugar balancing problems, multiple allergies or intolerances, or toxicity, she’s putting her baby at risk of developing autism, asthma, eczema and allergies.


It is stressful enough on the human body and should you not start the procedure in optimum condition, it is going to take a toll on your health and your baby’s health. In my practice, my main objective is to address the general health of the woman and determine if she’s healthy enough to become pregnant. If a mom is having health challenges, chances are, she’ll pass them on to her child.

There are lots of conditions that could reduce the woman’s ability to get pregnant, such as digestive problems, immune disorders, adrenal fatigue, blood sugar problems, food allergies, chronic inflammation, hormonal imbalance, nutritional deficiencies and toxicity. The first place I’d like to start, before I tackle anything else, is in the digestive system.

Essentially, the digestive system functions as follows: we eat (good diet or poor diet), digest (incomplete or complete ), then we remove (good evacuation or poor evacuation) or assimilate (great absorption or inadequate absorption). The gut is usually called the “Second Brain” because the enteric nervous system is a set of neurons in the (GI) that constitutes the “mind of the intestine” and may operate independently of the nervous system. This system controls the motility, exocrine and endocrine secretions and microcirculation of the GI tract.


Additionally it is involved in regulating inflammatory and immune processes. Hippocrates has also said that all disease begins in the gut. About 70 to 80 percent of their body’s immune system is found in the digestive tract. Poor digestive health that involves acid reflux, bloating, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or constipation is a very common and overlooked condition in this country that affects about 70 million Americans. This accounts for billions of dollars in yearly sales of over-the-counter digestive aids that only offer temporary relief. Unresolved or disregarded digestive problems lead to worse problems later on.

With any health condition, including pregnancy, it’s necessary to restore gut health. When attempting to achieve pregnancy, focus may not be solely on the ovaries, the fallopian tubes or other areas of the reproductive system. Because”each system affects every other system,” the body has to be regarded as a whole. Infertility is oftentimes a side-effect of something else. For instance poor gut health results in blood sugar issues, which leads to constipation. With constipation, the body can’t eliminate unnecessary hormones, and estrogen accumulates.

Food not digested properly because of lack of hydrochloric acid (HCL) contributes to putrefied, fermented food which becomes rancid in the gut. Low HCL ends in the gut’s reduced capacity to secrete bile to the emulsification of fats. Low gallbladder function causes a sluggish liver, and it can’t effectively detoxify the body of toxins, hormones and other metabolites. When the gallbladder malfunctions, there isn’t any signal to the pancreas to secrete digestive enzymes. Therefore poorly digested food moves to the intestines.


Rotting food in the intestines causes inflammation, infection and intestinal permeability, also known as “leaky gut.” This protracted stress exhausts the adrenals, and weak adrenals adversely affect the thyroidgland. This development continues until the underlying problem is fixed. A wholesome GI tract doesn’t enable the absorption of bacteria, harmful foods or undigested food particles into the bloodstream. Chronic inflammation caused by poor diet, poor blood glucose control and chronic stress results in harmful substances and undigested food being dumped into the bloodstream. Again, this is leaky gut.

These dangerous particles are misidentified as foreign invaders or antigens which are attacked by the immune system. A stressed immune system results in other health issues that in turn may lead to infertility. The proper maintenance of the gut requires the supervision of a qualified professional. To fix the gut, the first step is the removal of foods that create chronic immune reactions. These are most commonly , milk, eggs, corn, soy and . A healthcare professional would help determine which foods to eliminate from the diet.

Other nutritional supplements include: the elimination of improper organisms such as germs, parasites, and yeast, replacement of digestive enzymes, HCL, bile and bile, to digest proteins, fats and essential nutrients, re-populate with ample probiotics to replace an overabundance of bad bacteria with good bacteria, and encouraging regeneration and recovery of the gastrointestinal mucosa.

Final note

The repair of a broken down gut isn’t easy and it takes some time. But it’s well worth the effort. It’s very important to restore gut function if not one plans a pregnancy. For those women who intend to become pregnant or are trying to become pregnant, just do not forget that the improvement of your general health will benefit the health of your child. Other body organs might still require evaluation, like the liver, kidneys, thyroid and adrenals, but lots of these issues can’t be solved until the gut is examined.